Session 1,
2009 update
Hi all. It's been
about 6 and half months since my last mhssc staff
newsletter, but it's summer again, and time to get back at
it. I'm passing the buck to other staffers to write
the weekly update this summer. So for the first 3 (or
so) sessions of 2009, Spencer Raymond has accepted
the position of staff update writer. Spencer is back
working at MHSSC after a one year hiatus. If YOU wanna write a staff update segment this summer, let
me know. We can have multiple writers each session.
Here's Spencer's session 1
2009 is off to a sunny, warm start.
Every day on the hill was warm. It was the "best Session 1
ever in terms of weather," says Elliot Halverson. On
Thursday, four members of Jon Winslow's group boarded
down to the bottom of Pucci thinking it was open. Turns out
it wasn't so they had to hike all the way up to the bottom
of the Mile. This weekend Jay Hey is spending three
days taking a white water rescue class on the White Salmon
River near Hood River. So far he's learned to save people in
the water and stuff like that. Robin Cressy didn't
ski Monday. He says that was his first missed day since
1992. The first camper of the year (to check in) was an
adult originally from Russia. He brews his own beer and
taught Mike and Matt DePalma how to brew their
own at the Picnic. Speaking of the picnic, as usual for
early sessions it was scheduled for the marina in Hood
River. As luck would have it, a Cub Scout pack had reserved
the only shelter for the key time of 5pm-8pm. After
searching the area, the picnic was moved to a park up by the
Hospital. Lynne had to bring a grill from their house
and John Rust's wife had to fill up the water
coolers. Back to that Russian dude, he broke his face
Thursday. It looked just like a black eye for a while but
kept getting bigger and bigger until counselors took him to
the hospital. Turns out he fractured his face in two places.
Ouch. Actually, a snowboard racer camper did the same thing
sorta. By the time he went home Saturday his face was all
Breaking News in Govy: Fuxi has two shops this year. Yes,
two. In addition to their regular one above the Rat, Fuxi
took over the former Race Place place. Word on the street is
that Race Place didn't renew their lease so Fuxi has
apparently turned into the Starbucks of the Govy ski shop
world. Sessions 1 and 2 there's a camper currently serving
in the Marines in Iraq. He's taking this two weeks off a
year at camp. He said he wanted to get back on snow so he
looked us up.
**Robin's winter/spring mhssc
update: Since the last staff update at
Thanksgiving '08, here are a few mhssc nuggets:
1. John Rust and wife Lisa had baby #2 a few months
ago. A boy they named "Cooper". Welcome to
planet earth Cooper!
2. Patrick Deneen is the 2009 WORLD CHAMPION in world
cup moguls! Check out his winning run here.
3. Jay Panther battled some injuries in his season of
mogul competition......you can see some of his '09 season
highlights here.
4. Longtime mhssc adult camper and all-around-good-guy Grant Wilson got married last weekend in southern Cal.
Grant flew me down and put me to work as wedding
videographer. Also in attendance was Terry McLeod.
Terry's two daughters were the wedding flower girls.
Below are a few pics of wedding/reception. Grant and
his band rocked the house at the reception! There was
a famous actress/singer in attendance: Nia Peeples.
Session 1 Robin update:
We had 7 coaches working session 1. That might be a
session 1 record in the modern era of mhssc (since going to
5-days on snow camps about 15 years ago). The
ravens were in full force on the glacier this week, opening
up several camper's backpacks and flying away with their
delicious sandwiches and cookies. Hey birds gotta eat too! Robin Cressy (me) got bit by a dog while jogging thru
Govy last week. The dog bit me in the ass, but did not
break the skin, although the dog did put a hole in my
jogging shorts. Jon Winslow is back coaching
the snowboard racers this year after a one-year hiatus.
High Cascade and Windell's camps purchased surface rope-tow
type lifts this year for their terrain parks.
Hopefully this will help keep the lift lines shorter on the
Palmer chairlift. The crummy economy might help keep
lift lines short too........there are fewer campers signing
up this year. I imagine this is the same for all of the ski
& snowboard camps. There's still snow in Govy, but I'm
thinking that the snowpack on Palmer is below average for
this time of year. Check out the new camp t-shirts
(see below) that Darren Owen designed.....way cool! Elliot Halverson climbed up and skied down Mt St.
Helens last week. Check out his posted pics on his
facebook profile page.
And here are a few photos from session 1:
Session 2,
2009 update
Spencer Raymond's
camp update in blue!
This week's
weather featured variety. Monday was standard summer fair.
Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty windy so the cat started
pulling the camera up the hill. A snow cat cheer organized
by Robin Cressy was instrumental in getting a cat to
come. For some reason all the apparently skilled
skiers and boarders couldn't quite figure out how to get
towed by the cat. Campers would fall while being pulled and
create total chaos behind them on the tow rope. The week
survived with no rain days and by Friday upper Mile was
above the clouds. On Monday John Rust organized a
crew of staff to work on the trail at rock climbing area
Frenchies. Jackie Reis, Spencer Raymond helped while Bill Toney ran
the chainsaw. His firefighting skills where a big help when
it came to operating the chain saw and moving around large
logs. See photos for the trail and happy campers walking on
it. Two mornings this week there was smoke all over the
kitchen and dining room. Everyone is still debating the
reason for this but the cause has been traced back to the
oven and bacon trays being cooked within. The picnic this
week went off without a hitch. The Cub Scouts have
apparently chosen somewhere else to hold their meetings.
It's starting to look a lot like summer around campus.
The office trailer is in full operational mode and a staff
housing trailer is set up too. All the snow around the lodge
is gone On Thursday there was a giant thunderstorm! The rock
climbing group got to go bowling. As it turns out, there's
actually no bowling ally in Sandy. So at lanes somewhere in
Gresham, Matt DePalma got last place. Up on
Surveyor's Ridge Spencer Raymond was leading a few
campers mountain biking when the sky opened up. The campers
wanted to continue in the rain and by the end of the ride
everyone was all wet and muddy.There's a DVD VCR combo thing
in the lodge now. Joe Sulpizio has hit a cold steak
this week at table sports in the basement. He maintains he
still holds a winning percentage but Matt has
apparently won several recent foosball and ping pong
matches. Stealth got fixed this week. New brakes. Nice! More
and more staff continue to arrive. There's only like 17
campers living in the lodge this week. The snow continues to
be all weird. It's really sticky outside salted areas and
the wind has blown dirt and tree debris all over the place.
It's pretty frustrating. The white bus has been really
difficult to start lately. Mike would have to break
out his secret starter fluid almost everytime. Now white bus
has a special parking spot where it can be plugged in so it
can stay warm and cozy while not being driven.
Robin's session 2 update:
We cannot watch the NBA finals on TV at camp this year
because the local ABC network affiliate is still under
negotiation with Dish Network. So instead of watching
the game, we see a blue graphic on the screen that says "blah
blah blah, we want more money in order to carry this station"
What's an NBA fan to do? Well since game 1 was not
televised, Darren Owen and I were flipping thru the
channels and the Discovery Channel was airing an episode of
"Man vs. Wild" special edition with actor Will
Ferrell.......really funny to see Will Ferrell out in the
wilderness eating frozen reindeer head to survive. You
can watch it all on youtube.....below is part 1.
Spencer Raymond pretty much covered it all in his update........nice work Spencer! I'm ready to negotiate your contract extension beyond the original 3 sessions.
I also updated the mhssc staff bio page with some new photos and bios. If YOUR bio needs updating, write out a new bio for yourself, email it to me and I'll update the website.
Session 3, 2009 update
Spencer Raymond's
camp update in blue!
Session 3 got off to a scary
start. It was real foggy Sunday and two campers got lost!
They were skiing far skier's right of Palmer and just
continued down Zig Zag canyon. After exhausting the efforts
of Timberline Ski Patrol, Search and Rescue was called in.
By dusk the two campers' skis were found at the top of Big
Zig Zag canyon. As night fell everyone was worried.
Parents were booking tickets to fly out from Maine. At
3:30am the campers were discovered sleeping in the woods.
They were about a half hour by foot up the canyon from Camp
Kiwanas. That's at the top of the straightaway right down
from Silent Rock. One camper made it skiing Monday. Everyone
had one question for him: when did the two start spooning to
keep warm?
One camper arrived Saturday in Seattle instead of Portland.
Instead of flying to PDX to get a free ride up the hill from
a counselor he booked a limo service all the way from
Seattle. It apparently cost about $800. The black Escalade
in the parking lot sure was shiny. The leather seats were
probably really nice to sit on too.
Something went under the radar Session 2: Robin Cressy forgot his ski boots and had to work on the hill in only his
shoes. He survived. Wednesday was an official "Counselor
Day Off." It went pretty well except for the fact that
coaches didn't really know what to do with campers after
skiing. On Tuesday, Jay Hey led a training
group of counselors teaching them white water rescue
techniques. In swimmer's rapids they practiced all sorts of
cool rescue techniques. On Thursday Andrej Jerman almost ran a Slalom course on his Elan slip skis! This would
have angered his Stockli sponsors greatly. Fortunately,
there were enough people at the top of the lane to yell
Stop! There is a soccer team of 10-12 year-olds staying in
Coho for the night making the camp some extra bucks. There
were only 17 campers in the Lodge this session but 7
counselors and 2 CITs. The campers were taken care of well.
Robin's session 3 update:
Yeah, as Spencer wrote above, two 15-year old campers
(boys) that arrived at camp a day early, skied down zig zag
glacier in thick fog last Sunday and got big time lost.
They were smart enough to leave clues for rescue
people.......they ditched their skis, they left obvious
footprints in the snow (when there was snow) , and they also
made an effort to leave arrows made from tree branches.
Their run from the top of Palmer started around
11:30am.....and they hiked in their ski boots until around
8pm (still daylight), when they decided to hunker down for
the night. At that point, they built a bed/shelter
with tree branches and actually got in a decent nights sleep
before rescuers found them at 3:30am. Mike joked that they probably got more sleep than anyone else at
camp that night. They didn't have food, water or cell
phones, but they did drink water out of the river.
Rescue teams were coming from both directions (up river and
down river). The two boys were brought back to
camp around 5:30am, and as Spencer mentioned, one of them
even was able to ski that same morning. Somehow the
local Portland TV stations did not catch wind of the story
and create a big media circus......they usually LIVE for that type of story around here.
Other random stuff from session 3: There was a small frog hopping around in the lodge basement on Monday morning. It rained on the mountain on Wednesday and Friday......mix in a little fog here and there too. The camp picnic was at the marina in Hood River again. Terry McLeod worked this week......he team coached the freeski group w/Nolan this session and also put up a new cable on the zip-line with Bill Toney. John Rust passed his CDL test.
Next week we have 90+ campers, so this should feel like the "real" start of camp, 2009. Here are a few photos from session 3. As you can see, it rained pretty hard one day and flooded the basketball court.
Session 4,
2009 update
Spencer Raymond's
session 4 camp update in blue:
Monday was another try for a counselor
day off. Jasper Newton, Chad Kossar, Joe
Sulpizio and Spencer Raymond went to Ka Nee Tah
Indian reservation for some swimming at the hot springs
heated pool. Spencer even managed to come out on top
with 30 bucks at the casino! Jackie Reis passed her
bus test on Wednesday. That may be the fastest ever for a
counselor to get a bus license. The picnic was at
wildwood finally. This session was packed! There were like
100 campers. It rained Friday so everyone went to Portland.
Except for a group that went caving and cliff jumping. Bus
52 got a new front passenger tire. Chevy 2 got a new
windshield wiper. Nate Goodman says the park was sick
this week. Most of the staff are walking around in silly
yellow STAFF t-shirts. Elliot Halverson and Alice
Winter hiked to the summit of Hood on Thursday and skied
down. Cool.
Robin's session 4 update:
There were a handful of former mhssc staffers on the
snowfield this past week working with various other camps: Tommy Eckfeldt, Josee Lacasse, Kevin
McDevitt, Uros Pavlovcic, Brandon
Dykesterhouse, Hiro Taniguchi, and probably a few
others that I can't think of at the moment. Hiro told me that he got married and he has a baby on
the way. (Congrats Hiro!) Bob (Robert Voll),
the UPS guy that delivers packages to mhssc, is lead singer
in a band called "Too Loose Band" that tours local
establishments. Here's a link to his band's website. I asked Heidi Gamma to tell
me something about herself that I didn't know about her and
she said that she used to be able to ride a unicycle and
juggle 3 balls at the same time. I asked Darren
Owen the same thing, and he said that when he was about
12 years old, he won the pinewood derby. MHSSC quote of the week: Jason
Hey said to his ski group: "think about what you're
thinking about". As Spencer mentioned
above, Friday was a bad weather day, but the lifts were
still open. Out of the 95 or so campers, 3 campers
decided to train instead of the mall/movie/bowling/caving
options.......John Rust was the lone coach on the
hill for the rain/snow/fog/wind combo conditions for 5 runs
of GS for the three hard core campers. Mike Annett ran the paintball activity on Tuesday afternoon.
Although Mike was a rookie at running this activity, he said
the kids that signed up for paintball, already knew what
they were doing, and they had a good time. At the
picnic, Mike and Lynne told the story of how they met
and first started dating. Mike was Lynne's ski
instructor.....and their first date was going to the movies.
They couldn't recall which movie they saw that night.
A 15-year old camper boy asked Liz Edmunds on a
date........a picnic date. Basically the date was
eating picnic dinner together at an exclusive picnic table.
(see photo below). And I "stole" Elliot's photo
of Alice Winter climbing mt hood from his facebook
page. (thanks Elliot!). The ski race
groups have a new plan of attack for training: Day 1
(Monday's) is for drills and skill progression with just a
few gates on the hill. Days 2 and 3 are slalom
training.....days 4 and 5 are GS training. Newbie CIT Matt Stinson did some nice back-flips off the big
mogul jump this week. Robin Cressy (me) hustled
a 14 year old kid on the camp basketball court in a game of
H-O-R-S-E for $5 bucks. Is this unethical? He
wants a rematch next session. Somebody stole Mike
Syrovatka's Rossignol skis from Coho lodge. That
is bad Karma for somebody! A random snowboarder
came up to me at my car in the timberline parking lot at the
end of the ski day while I was taking off my ski boots and
asked me for a ride down the mountain. I kindly told
him that I didn't know him, and that I don't give ride to
strangers........he got really pissed off at me and he
double flipped me off. Hitch-hikers are getting
aggressive these days!
MHSSC flashback to the 80's and 90's
.........in about 1990, MTV came to the Palmer glacier to
tape a show called "Beach MTV". Hosting the show were Dan Cortese and Alyssa Milano. MHSSC staffers Tom Wirth, Bob Geyer, and Wayne Amsbary were all featured on
the show, with several other mhssc staffers and campers were
audience members (screaming/clapping people in the
background). They recorded most of the show at the top
of our race lanes 4-5.
Session 5, 2009 update
Spencer Raymond's
session 5 camp update in blue:
Session 5 was the second week of
Monday as a counselor day off. This time a few went water
skiing making some wonder: why snow ski? Rafting made it
back for dinner in record time on Tuesday. The van returned
at 6:10! Jakie Guy got her CDL on Wednesday and at the
Picnic Mike held batting practice for himself. Staff won the
softball game. The clay tennis court should be up and
running soon. Friday was Andrej Jerman's last day on
snow. He's getting married next week. Do they do bachelor
parties in Slovenia? Because Friday night at Charlies Andrej
got treated to a few drinks and shots he wasn't so sure
about. Friday was the first Friday in three weeks it wasn't
rainy so the bonfire was well attended. Up on the lanes
coaches are trying out the new Salt Monkey. It's one of
those salt blower things. Even though they've been around
for awhile in the parks, John Rust was experimenting
with it all week. The salt distributing is a little
different for a race course and with a little alteration, it
should work well. There was a fence painted blue leaning on
the tree next to the door to the basement. There is a penny
super-glued to the cement outside Coho main entrance.
Robin's session 5 update:
Check out the photo (and words of inspiration!) below of
mhssc counselor-in-training Jaime DuPratt. Darren Owen snapped this photo on his cell phone when
he was at the Olympic Sports Park in Utah last week.
Session 5 was relatively uneventful. I'm wracking my
brain as to what to write about. We had a new coach
from Norway join the ranks of MHSSC employment......Atle
Rolstadaas. Atle coaches alongside former mhssc
staffer Jocke Nord in the winter. Elliot
Halverson, Alice Winter, and former staffer Jordan Dykes climbed Mt Adams last week. Bad
weather rolled in and prevented them from reaching the
summit. You can see some photos of their adventure on
Elliot's facebook page. World Champion mogul skier Patrick Deneen was on the Palmer snowfield this week, as
were former mhssc mogul coaches Jon O'Brien and Dave Stearns. Craig Bowden returned to the
mhssc coaching staff this week after a 4 year hiatus. Stu
Halverson, Maks Gorman, Sean Decker, Kevin Malone and other's did cool tricks in the terrain
park. (check out a few inverted aerials photos below)
On Thursday, Scotty Veenis skied down to the first
bump in lane 6 to put mustard on his sandwich and eat it.
(I told you it was a slow week for update material!)
It's time to start thinking about MHSSC employee of the
month for June 2009. Be sure to cast your vote
with Robin this week for those of you that worked at least
one week in the month of June this year. You CANNOT vote for
Mike Annett, Lynne Annett, John Rust, or Robin Cressy. If
you already left camp for the summer, you can still vote by
sending Robin an email.
Michael Jackson is with Elvis now.
MHSSC flashback to the 80's and 90's
.........in 1998, we set up a hidden "cookie cam" in the
basement to catch campers taking more than their fair share
of MHSSC cookies in the lunch making station. There
was a 2 cookie limit back then (each ziploc baggie contained
2 cookies) As it turned out, the staff made up the
majority of the cookie thief's. Check out these video
highlights of "cookie cam '98".
Session 6, 2009 update
Spencer Raymond was the
special guest camp update writer for sessions 1 thru 5.
(Nice work Spencer!) Scott Kern has stepped up to
write his version of camp staff updates for at least this
week and hopefully more update in the future.......
Scott Kern's session 6
camp update in blue:
It’s really starting to feel like
summer as this week’s temperatures were in excess of 80
degrees and warmer than usual on the glacier, although the
warm weather brings the bugs. Our staff seems to be feeling
better after a plague was infecting everyone last week. The
CD drive on the lodge computer has been fixed. Polly
Hopkins was here this week coaching on her “vacation”.
We discovered that our CIT Ryan has quite a
provocative email address, buffchickenmagnet@hotmail.com and the counselors wondered if he put it on his camp
application. Our new CIT Carolyn supplied cold
medicine to Jay Hey this week. In other news our
youngest camp employee Greg Fazekas appears to not
have a confident answer to his date of birth year possibly
because he was knocked out by a door in the Lodge thanks to Pat Tingle on Thursday night. Injuries this week were
pretty slim besides Alex who took a slalom gate to
the eye and was not accredited to Tichys new head butting
drill. As we were talking about the minimal injuries on
Thursday, Friday camper staff Mike dislocated his shoulder
(along with another camper) and Clayton skiing moguls landed
a killer 360 but hit a rough landing to destroy his muscles
in his leg. Clayton decided to take the chair up crying and
in immense pain and ski one ski down to ski patrol,
according to him “not the best decision I have made lately,
but camp was totally worth it.” Jackie Guy did some
landscaping, moving the large rocks in front of the lodge
and some body work to Shorty 40. We also had another
accident in the parking lot with the Coke truck which backed
into the basketball net. It was the video man (Robo)
birthday on Thursday. Friday Chad and Scott finally got to shoot off a quarter of the fireworks they
purchased last weekend in Washington. They claim Saturday
will be three times better. The Scott Twins finally left
after a long two weeks of battling the counselors and
managed to break Tom’s alarm clock along with several
other pranks. Arielle managed to lose both her wallet
and keys (twice) and recovered them. THE Monster Hat was found by a collaborative effort of the staff. Mike constructed a new sifter for the clay courts to be used for
the top “dressing”, he has been working diligently on the
clay courts (getting better every day). Adrien and Michelle went swimming in the lake at 4am this week
and Adrien was back to wake up her kids. Adrien has yet to shower at camp. Prescott McLaughlin finally has his own mailbox and there is a bet going if
anyone will actually send him mail this summer. Spencer and his girlfriend came skiing on Friday.
Robin's session 6 update:
Counselor Jackie Guy (aka "Jackie dude") got lost
trying to drive the campers to rockclimbing at Beauleau
(sp?). So the kids got to go on a nice scenic drive
and partial hike. Jasper Newton claimed that
there were 47 spoons floating around the bottom of the jelly
container at the peanut butter and jelly station.
FORTY-SEVEN! Joe Sulpizio learned how to do
360's off of Darren Owen's mogul jump.......Joe also
beat Mike Annett in a set of tennis on the mhssc clay court
6 games to 3. Mike and Lynne's daughter Jennifer
Bard and family stopped by camp for a short visit.
Picking cherries on Mike and Lynne's home property in Odell
was an afternoon activity this past week. As you can
see in the first photo below, Windells ski/snowboard camp
set up a giant air bag pillow thing for their campers to
launch themselves into. Jon Winslow was
standing near me on the palmer snowfield on friday when he
said "do you smell something burning?".......and a
few seconds later, I saw smoke coming out of his backpack.
His drill battery was burning up! Lots of coaches got
a chance to run the "salt monkey" this week......see pics
below. Jay Panther is back working at camp
after taking a year or two off. Jay is a potential
mogul competitor at the 2010 olympics in Vancouver, BC.
MHSSC employee of the month for June 2009 goes to Nate Goodman and Craig Bowden. Yes a tie in the voting! Chad Kossar was behind by 1 vote for the bronze medal. Also receiving votes were Michelle Schmitt, Jackie Reis, Elliot Halverson, Prescott McLaughlin, Mike Syrovatka, Jason Hey, Bill Toney, Thomas Lowney, Joe Sulpizio, Liz Edmunds, Jay Lindlaw, Mark Syrovatka, Alice Winter, Darren Owen, Spencer Raymond, Sean Decker, and Rick Millett. The winner(s) get $75 bucks bonus check from uncle Mike. Woo hoo! congrats Nate and Craig!
Session 7,
2009 update
Scott Kern's session
7 camp update in blue:
Weather this week was contrary to last week, the top of
Palmer in the morning was around 35 – 40 degrees and
Friday had some snow/rain precipitation. The end of
session 7 marks the peak of the summer enrollment.
Post-update July 4th Chad and Scott set off the remainder of the fireworks in the spirit of
Independence Day, however, a low level firework
misfired into the man lift/campers and whizzing past Mike and Lynne into the woods. Long time head
coach and employee John Rust announced during the
staff meeting that he will be taking another job in Hood
River as Community Educator Director. Unfortunately
Friday’s weather was not ideal for his going away party.
During rafting this Thursday, Jackie Reis went to
turn the key at City Park and it snapped. Fortunately we
constructed a makeshift key using a key ring to get it
started good thing because we did not have a spare. Matt Stinson’s CDL drive test was postponed because
we had to have a special locksmith to come and make a
key. Liz left for a few days on Saturday to
visit her aunt in Laguna in hopes to recover from her
past couple weeks of being sick. Mike Annett got
a hair cut on Saturday in Hood River while returning a
rental van and wind surfing. Our trampoline now features
a throw bag for “awkward tricks”. Camper Victoria (16)
competed in Bonfire/ Salomon Competition on Saturday and
most likely placed. At the picnic a camper promised to
eat an eight meat hamburger and succeeded. Jasper
Newton broke his skis in the park throwing a rodeo
540 and dismounting his bindings.
Robin's session 7 update:
John Rust has left the
Yeah, John's last day on the mountain was on Friday.
He'll actually be back for session 9 to coach the mhssc
Smith Rocks climbing camp, but after that John starts his
new job as "Director of Community Education" in the
Hood River County school district. John replaces Mike Schend, who held the position for 29 years, so he
has big shoes to fill. John has been the head
coach at MHSSC since Tom Sell's departure, and has
been coaching at camp since 1996. That's 14 years!
John envisions coming back to coach a session or two in
future years during his vacation weeks, so it's not like
he's leaving PLANET ANNETT forever. We had a little going away bbq party for John
at the end of the day on Friday. (See pics below)
He'll be missed big time.
The new mhssc head coach will be ______________? Send your resume to Mike.
Other camp stuff from session 7:
Jon Winslow (snowboard race coach) skied on Thursday.
There was a fight up in the Palmer unloading terminal
between a camper-staff and a stratton mogul camper that was
caused by a snowball fight and some name calling......both
kids got their lift tickets pulled by the ski patrol. Jasper Newton and Matt Stinson saw a
rattlesnake on the trail at cliff jumping activity as they
were walking toward the big cliff jump. A camper girl
in Craig Bowden's group was doing a slalom freeski
drill from the top of lane 6.......she got going mock speed
and flew awkwardly off the first bump like 50 feet and
somehow landed it without breaking her leg.......all
captured on video. Later that day, this same girl
skied the slalom course (on video) as her loose pants kept
falling down and she kept pulling them back up about every
4th turn.......it was so funny to watch, that Robin the
videographer (me), laughed so hard, that he fell to the
ground laughing out loud in uncontrollable laughter. Maria Schilling, former mhssc coach, came to camp for
a 4-5 day visit. Ray Dicius and Matt Brown,
also former mhssc coaches, were on the mountain this past
week too. Check out Polly Hopkins' new website. Former mhssc video assistant Jeff
Moore, got married yesterday to Natalie, whom he met
here at MHSSC. Part of Jeff's honeymoon vacation will
be a stopover at Mt Hood, so we will see him on the mountain
soon. Craig Bowden donated his $75 employee of
the month check to the bar tab at Charlies on Tuesday night,
for the first ever "mhssc employee of the month party".
And co-EOM winner Nate Goodman told me that he felt
like Ian Bigley greatly deserved to win the award
last month. High Cascade and Windells camps both have paddle
tows in their terrain parks now (see pic). And a
couple things I forgot to mention in the session 6 update
last week: Mike Syrovatka and son Mark
Syrovatka both coached at mhssc during session 6......I
believe this is the first time in camp history that a
father/son combo has coached at camp at the same time.
I do remember that Bob Underhill and his son Matt
Underhill have both coached at mhssc, but not at the
same time. And also from session 6: Darren Owen crashed HARD in the moguls during one of his video runs.
Darren said he saw "stars", and doesn't remember much from
later that day (minor concussion?). I've been filming Darren
hundreds of times over the years, and don't recall ever
getting a Darren crash on video, even though he goes at it
hard every time he rips thru the moguls.
Some old classic photos of John Rust:
More Session 7, 2009 photos:
Session 8, 2009 update
Scott Kern's session
8 camp update in blue:
Liz dropped off a camper at
the airport in his ski pants, goggles, boots and helmet.
Apparently he lost his bag. Chad spent 30 hours
with Nick from the time he fell and broke his leg on a
GS gate through surgery, and picked up by his parent’s
friends. The hospital put him up with a bed, shower
(complete with J&J Baby formula) and other amenities.
Nick barely showed pain and was trooper throughout the
entire ordeal. J Hey admits that Nick was more
put together than he was when he broke his leg. Ruby and
Camper staff struck back at Jackie Guy by duct
taping her mattress to the wall. Sam Wright came
to visit for a few days as sad not to be here this
summer. Roger Bay is back. Jackie Guy accidentally ran over Scott Kern’s ski bag in
Shorty 40, flattening his helmet, chin guard, goggles,
poles and sunglasses. (See picture below.) Her luck
continues with Shorty 40. Matt Stinson has begun
to prepare for his CDL test on Monday. Noelle sprayed
the campers during the Friday meeting while washing the
bus. All of Stratton left for the summer. Power steering
on Bus 25 was finally fixed. Sharon Ho from Hawaii came
back for more at camp after recovering from her
injuries. Mothman Prophecies, Dragonfly, Equilibrium,
and Spy game were added to our movie library. Carolyn
Molloy, Gino, Malone and Jay left for the summer; Jasper, Adrien, and Jackie Guy are off for the week. Spencer
Raymond returns this week in the office.
Robin's session 8 update:
On Wednesday at 12 noon, we reached the half way point
of summer '09. (who cares?). On Monday, we had
some rough weather in the morning, causing Timberline to put
the chairlifts on "standby".......Some of the race coaches
wandered up to Timberline Lodge (the hotel) to enjoy a cup
of coffee and some peace and quiet during "standby" time.
And to everyone's surprise, former MHSSC head coach, Vance Lemley appeared out of nowhere. Vance and his wife Eva,
had come up to Timberline Lodge to have dinner at the
cascade dining room the night before and decided to spend
the night. Vance told us he's a grandpa now. The sun
came out and the lifts opened up for all the camps around
9am. The rest of the week was sunny and beautiful. Mark Stegall's truck just passed the 385,000 mile mark
on his odometer (he bought the truck new so all those miles
are his!). Patrick Tingle and Jackie Reis ran
from Dairy Queen to the picnic. Kelsey Baron swallowed a bug during her 6-mile
picnic run on the trails of wildwood park. A 12-year
old camper broke his tibula/fibula in a GS crash on
Thursday. Counselor Chad Kossar did a
24-hour-plus hospital trip as this kid required surgery.
I heard Chad slept in the kid's hospital room on a mattress
that the hospital provided. Atle Rolstadaas's father showed up at mt hood for a
visit. Atle and his dad plan on doing some traveling on the
west coast for a week or so. Mike Annett skied the GS course on Friday (see pic below). Mike Syrovatka is the new mhssc head coach for the
next few sessions. There was a bunny rabbit hopping
around camp early Friday morning (see pic below). Mike Annett fixed the bent basketball hoop with his
expertise back-hoe skills. It's a temporary fix, as we
wait for the coke truck people to pay for a new hoop.
Friday was most likely the last day we'll be able to ski all
the way to the parking lot at the end of the day (unless the
groomers feel like pushing some snow down there).
Some old news that I forgot
to mention in past updates: Andrej Jerman got married back on July 4. Congrats Andrej! (send us a
wedding photo) And a 10 year old very home sick
camper from session 7 was a bit out of control......I
was sitting in the office with Elliot and Liz when this kid stormed in demanding to make a phone call
to his mother. As he left the office he screamed "this
camp sucks" "FUCK" and
finished with "FUCK ALL OF YOU".......nice kid,
eh? (*sorry for the "F-bombs" but I wanted to quote him
accurately) Elliot Halverson found him a flight home that night
and Liz Edmunds drove him to the airport.
Former long-time adult camper Brian Case wanted
me to broadcast a message out about an injury he
recently suffered, in hopes of gaining some knowledge
from anyone that has suffered a similar injury......in
Brian's words: Two weeks
ago, I sustained a complete tear of my adductor longus
and brevis tendons. They just yanked right off the pubic
bone. I'm having no luck finding anyone who's done the
repair surgery. It appears that most of these injuries
are left alone, but I'd like to consult with a doc who's
done the repair to see if that is right for me. With
each passing day, however, the chance for a good repair
goes down (the muscle shortens, the tissues become
weaker, things adhere where they are,
calcification occurs, etc.). So, if you think it's
appropriate, could you broadcast to the list a request
for pointers to any docs that have done adductor tendon
repairs?......if you can help Brian out, contact
him here.
Former 80's camper and former mhssc staffer Britta
Sorensen wrote this about John Rust's
departure from mhssc.
John Rust...leaving?!? So
sad! He taught me how to rock climb, he helped
me fine tune my skiing, he gave me pointers as a coach,
etc. and he didn't have to do any of these things
because I was not a camper. In addition to all of
these things, he was such a pleasure to be around.
He was a blast on the hill, in the bus, lodge, etc.
He always had a funny joke, liked to harass me and
genuinely cared about the kids he coached. WOW,
the new head coach has big shoes to fill. Best of
luck John. You will be missed!
Britta (Sorensen) Scheffer - "counselor" '01 & '02 (also
a camper '88 & '89, but you weren't around in those
Scott Kern's squished helmet |
Session 9,
2009 update
Scott Kern's session
9 camp update in blue:
Weather has been nothing
but warm on palmer with good snow conditions, but
limited skiing to the parking lot. Tuesday on the
Deschutes, four twenty year olds floated upper elevator
(swimmers rapid) without life jackets and one drown.
Efforts to find the body continued throughout Thursday
but it has not been recovered. Our only boat on Thursday
was flashed by a rather attractive blonde woman; most of
the campers replied with “ewe that’s gross”, however,
one twelve year old said “awesome, that made my day.” On
the way to rafting Shorty 40 blew its “freeze plug”
which holds in the coolant. Currently it is out of order
as Mike works to repair it. Chad threw a
double front flip and back flips on the trampoline. He
tried to do one on our black flip learners jump and came
close; he calls this week extreme week. Scott Kern did his first back flips ever off the boat on the
Deschutes. Matt Stinson has been stomping back
flips all week on the moguls jump. Race staff has begun
to talk about the upcoming staff SL race. Pat Tingle says he’ll be prepping his skis for an hour on Tuesday
night. Entries are $5 dollars to Scotty. Elliot Halverson went skiing three days in a row
this week (Personal Summer Record). Tom Lowney went skiing this week; Matt DePalma also went
skiing twice this week. John Rust is making an
appearance at camp on Sunday night to prepare for
climbing camp. Jackie R, Matt , Scott , Chad and Tom went rafting on the White
Salmon (for free) with River Drifters . Old time US Ski
Teamer Katie Hitchcock skied our GS course. Our jump
line is being rebuilt and “sick tabletops coming in”. Rick says he’s been an employee for four years and
still has not been employee of the month. The snowmobile
is broken. Liz bought Elliot new flip
flops that he has been talking about buying for the past
three weeks. New wings are hotter, better and smaller
than ever. A lady from Fox News was here writing a
report about summer ski camps. Evan Mikkelson is
here for climbing camp and ran a guest meeting on Friday
night. Thomas Lowney turned 21. Elizabeth Fay
Edmunds went to Charlie’s for the first time this
summer to celebrate. Pat Tingle is forerunning
Summer Fun Nationals. Connor O’Brien says he
wants to get flow going by the end of the summer. Guest
Coach Mark Wolcott almost beat up some
“govy-ians” for being loud at GP apparently keeping him
awake into the early morning. Sam Wright visited
camp for a week. Heidi Gamma is done for the
summer. Jasper, Jackie Guy, and Adrien (she took four showers) come back from a week off.
Robin's session 9 update:
A photo-journalist from Denver was at camp this week
preparing a story for her news station. She was
focusing her piece on the freeski segment of camp. Scotty Veenis rode his bike up to Timberline Lodge on
Tuesday morning before work. He said it took about an
hour. (see pic). No more free parking available
outside the Wildwood Park for wednesday camp picnics.
They want everybody to pay the $5 parking fee inside the
park. On Thursday's rafting trip, a hot
twenty-something age chick flashed her boobs to our
campers......there were only 3 campers all about age 12,
plus 3 staffers that were witnesses. My sources tell
me that two of the camper boys said "ewwwwww", while
a 3rd boy said "that made my day". Mike Syrovatka did the salt-monkey-vapor-lock dance on the hill on Thursday morning. Tom Lowney celebrated his 21st birthday on Friday. Matt Stinson ran 3 miles at the picnic on
Wednesday, then asked if that was worthy of mention in the
staff update. There's some chatter about a
possible staff ski race challenge this coming
Wednesday......2 runs of slalom, $5 or $10 entry
fee.......winner takes all the cash. The trash
talking has already started. Scotty Veenis was
hit in the leg with the softball (it aint that soft!) while
pitching to Jason Hey, who hit the line drive right
at Scotty at wednesday's picnic. The ball went off
Scotty's leg, right to first base and Jason was out.
Former mhssc video asst Jeff Moore and his new wife
Natalie, visited camp mid-week as they were mid-trip on
their honeymoon. (see pics) They stayed at Timberline
Lodge and managed to get a 2nd night free lodging after they
complained that their room didn't have a view out their
window, which was one of Jeff's requests when he booked the
room months ago. Heat wave happening in the
pacific northwest right now. Still plenty of snow left
to get thru till the end. It's about a 5-7 minute walk
from the end of the snow to the parking lot right now. Kelsey Baron, Chad Kossar, Matt DePalma and Jackie
Reis (ski racing counselors) all hit Darren Owen's
mogul jump this week. (see Kelsey's spread eagle pic
below). Robert Johnson got a haircut. He
donates his hair to cancer patients, who lose their hair
during chemotherapy treatments. The race coaches fired
up the gas bbq at the top of lane 5 on Friday for the 3rd
consecutive week. Yummy hot dogs were on the menu.
It's almost time to vote for mhssc employee of the month for
July. If you worked at least one session during the
month of July, you are eligible to vote......see Robin to
vote in person or send him an email. You
cannot vote for Mike or Lynne Annett, John Rust, or Robin
MHSSC flashback to the 80's and 90's
.........in about 1989 (give or take a year or two), the
counselors/cooks/videographers etc were summoned to help
salt the race lanes each day. We were split up into
teams of 3 and at the end of the session, the 3-person team
that the coaches deemed "best salters", would receive a free
dinner at the prestigious Cascade Dining Room at Timberline
Lodge, courtesy of Mike Annett. Long story short, Mike
decided to reward all the 3-person salt teams with the free
dinner......So there were about 15 of us there (Mike was not
there).......we charged up over $1,100 in food, beverages
and desserts on Mike's credit card. Mike said later,
he expected the bill to be around $400. Lynne also
commented: "well, that's the last time we do that".
The upcoming Session 10 is declared "nice camp" (5th annual.....originally invented by Terry McLeod). Everybody is encouraged to be more nice to each other this week. In honor of "nice camp", here's the "free hugs" video:
Session 10, 2009 update
This is an extra long mhssc
update this week. We had a lot going on including
the usual camp stuff, a staff ski race, smith rocks
climbing camp, sky diving, employee of the month, & lots
of photos etc. ENJOY!
Robin's session 10
"Nice camp" turned into "HOT camp". We had the
hottest week in Oregon recorded history. It was 102
degrees at the camp picnic on Wednesday, to give you an
idea. On Monday, former mid-80's staffer Andy Jacobs showed up at camp. (he's the bearded guy
in the pic below). He was at camp 1984-86. And
he brought with him a 1985 mhssc group pic (see below). Maks Gorham cut his head on the trampoline......a very
bloody mess, but Lynne Annett cleaned him up and he was good to go (no stitches
required). Some staff decided to go skydiving on their
day off....read Adrien Young's blurb below about
that. The bus broke down on Friday morning on the way
to the mountain, so the kids were late getting to the
slopes. After I did my picnic run (102 degree
weather), a 10 year old camper said to me: "what happened
to you? You look like you're going to die".
There was a rather large house cat in the lodge basement at
5am on Wednesday morning. The cat was digging thru one
of the garbage cans. Prescott McGlaughlin cleaned the inside of the camp dishwashing machine on
Friday. We had a first ever staff ski race on
Wednesday. 2 runs of slalom. Entry fee was $5
dollars, winner takes all the cash. Kelsey Baron won the women's race, and Prescott McGlaughlin won
the men's division. Fuxi raced too, coming in 5th.
Complete results below. The mhssc freeski video that I
mentioned in the last update (posted by a photo journalist
from Colorado), is posted on facebook. I can't send a
direct link to it, but you can go to Sean Decker's facebook profile page, and find it
there. Chad Kossar and Scott Kern went intertubing with Spencer Raymond on their day off. (see pic).
The internet modem thingy at the lodge was replaced on
friday, so perhaps the internet service will improve at
camp? (I'm hopeful). Scott Kern crashed in a GS course on Thursday, nearly taking out Jason Hey, who was video taping him at that moment.
MHSSC Employee of the Month for July 2009 goes to Ian Bigley! Ian is one of our terrain park diggers and everybody tells me that he "kills it" in the park. Congrats Ian! You get $75 bucks and your name plastered to the wall in the lodge for all to marvel at. Taking the Silver medal in EOM voting was Darren Owen...and tied for the bronze were Jon Winslow, Prescott McGlaughlin, Liz Edmunds, and Nate Reuter. Also receiving votes were Nolan Willard, Matt Stinson, Elliot Halverson, Luke Wendel, Jason Hey, Matt DePalma, Maks Gorham, Mike Syrovatka, Mark Syrovatka, Scotty Veenis, Kelsey Baron, Thomas Lowney, Chad Kossar, and Craig Bowden.
Ian Bigley, mhssc July employee of the month! |
MHSSC 1985 group pic (photo by Brian Robb) |
1986 MHSSC employee Andy Jacobs |
Adrien Young's skydiving update:
Matt DePalma has some really good shots of us in
our parachutes. (see below) It was me, Kelsey, Arielle, Michelle, and Peter who went. Matt got himself kicked off the premises of the
sky diving place. Us girls went skinny dipping in
Timothy last night. Hahaha.. but I don't know how update
worthy that is. Arielle and I hiked from
the parking lot to the top of Palmer to watch the staff
race. It took us two hours. Sean Decker gave us
both piggy back ski rides down to the Mile where we
could take the lift down.
MHSSC Staff ski race: Session 10, 2009 | |||||
2 runs of slalom | |||||
course setter: Scotty Veenis | |||||
start referee: Jason Hey | |||||
Timing equipment: Mike Syrovatka | |||||
Course maintenance: Mark Syrovatka, Andy Jacobs (80's man) | |||||
Women racers | 1st run | 2nd run | Total | Time Diff. | |
Kelsey Baron | 41.28 | 44.15 | 85.43 | 0.00 | GOLD |
Alex Loren | 44.24 | 45.89 | 90.13 | 4.70 | SILVER |
Noelle Gillis | 46.13 | 46.13 | 92.26 | 6.83 | BRONZE |
Men racers | 1st run | 2nd run | Total | Time Diff. | |
Prescott McGlaughlin | 34.25 | 35.13 | 69.38 | 0.00 | GOLD |
Taber Engelken | 35.23 | 35.30 | 70.53 | 1.15 | SILVER |
Patrick Tingle | 34.73 | 35.86 | 70.59 | 1.21 | BRONZE |
Peter Jackson | 36.92 | 36.99 | 73.91 | 4.53 | |
Fuxi | 36.99 | 37.42 | 74.41 | 5.03 | |
Chad Kossar | 41.26 | 37.72 | 78.98 | 9.60 | |
Jasper Newton | 42.36 | 41.66 | 84.02 | 14.64 | |
Darren Owen | 46.13 | 45.45 | 91.58 | 22.20 | |
Jon Winslow | 54.71 | 44.00 | 98.71 | 29.33 | |
Connor O'Brien | 36.63 | DNF | DNF | N/A |
2009 Staff Ski Race Winners: Kelsey Baron & Prescott McGlaughlin |
Hottest Week in Oregon
Smith Rocks 2009 by Evan
Session 10 of 2009 was the birth week of the new "Smith
Rocks Climbing Club." After extensive deliberation
between climbing coaches John Rust , Corey and Evan Mikkelson (me), and an enlightening
consultation with Darren Owen, we decided to form
a climbing "club" this year instead of the traditional
"camp" gig. There were 18 people in the club: 10
campers, counselors Tom Lowney, Jackie Dude and Jackie Reis. Nate Reuter planned
the food. Nate's brother and dad, Matt and Kirk
Reuter, were also members of the club, which already has
it's own secret handshake and initiation rituals.
Highlights of the 2009 Smith Rocks Climbing Club retreat
included a tour of Metolious where we watched as John's
15 year old harness held 12.5 kN on the leg loops and
about 24 kN on the belay loop (that's more than enough
to hold even John). We all peered through a blast
shield as this crazy European climber scientist
controlled machinery to stretch the harness. On
the way to Metolious John got a flat tire in the sweltering heat. Evan stood guard on the margin of the busy HWY 97 into
Redmond as John changed the tire. Getting the tire
changed right next to the white line with semi trucks
whizzing by was by far the scariest and most dangerous
part of the week. Other events of the week
included another successful Monkey's face Tyriolian
traverse. Corey and Evan aided into the
mouth of the Monkey to put the belay rope and the
traverse tightrope in place. About 8 people did
the traverse and 200 foot rappel, including Tom, Jackie R, and a camper's mom (Cooper's mom Dee). Nate Reuter almost repeated last year's mid-rappel hair catching
episode but luckily Nate's close shave turned out to
only be figurative and there were no mishaps this year.
Thanks to a mid-summer heat wave we had Smith mostly to
ourselves and never were never turned away by crowds but
the heat made for some very tired campers. One
exhausted camper passed out for two hours in the grass
next to the parking lot in the heat of the day.
Kirk Reuter thinks he lost 10 pounds in sweat, and also
won the award for most knee blood left on the rock.
Due to the heat and a Deschutes county fire ban we
didn't have a campfire at smith but back a MHSSC on
friday one marshmallow starved climbing camper was able
to stuff five marshmallows into his mouth and say
"chubby bunny". It sounded more like
Session 11, 2009 update
Robin's session 11 update:
On Tuesday, a 14 year old girl in Craig Bowden's
group, crashed big time off the first roller in lane 6.
And yes, it was caught on video which you can watch
below (via youtube). Watch her right knee buckle,
before she launches on to the top of her head, then
flips back over at which time her left knee
buckles.......before flipping again and sliding to a
stop. She got up and skied away with only a
scratch on her forehead. Jason Hey established a mhssc world record by pouring a 40 pound
bag of salt into the salt monkey in 12.54 seconds.
(time starts when hand touches the red lid on the
monkey, and ends when the red lid is screwed back on all
the way tight). Jackie Reis and Jackie Guy saran wrapped Thomas Lowney's car and Pat Tingle's skis all
together up at the Coho Lodge (see pic below)......the
Jackie's did this as revenge of previous pranks done to
them. When Thomas saw his car, he said he
thought it was funny, but also mentioned that it was an
"amateur" prank. Connor O'Brien passed the
written part of his CDL test. Pat Tingle was running really really fast at the picnic......insane
fast. Andrej Jerman, who got married back
on July 4, sent me a link to his wedding photos, which
you can see here. (you can use your right and left arrow keys to
quickly go from photo to photo) Those are the best
wedding on-line photos I've EVER seen. Go check them
out. In Andrej's words abut his wedding day: Wedding day was awesome. We were
really enjoying our time. We had great but very hot
weather, so I has sweating my ass like crazy. But it was
great! The atmosphere was very calm and I guess
everybody how was there was having a great time.
Honeymoon in Tanzania was also very nice. We were 7 day
on safari seeing lots of animals and we had a chance to
see the Big 5, elephant, lion, leopard, African buffalo
and rhino. We went to see the Masai tribe, natives who
live just like they did hundred years ago and also the
Bushman. With them we went hunting. For hunt they use
only a bow and arrow. Being with was really an
unforgettable experience. After that we went for 4 days
to Zanzibar island and in the end for another 4 days to
Pemba island which is located north of Zanzibar where we
enjoyed beautiful white sands beaches and warm sea. The
whole trip was amazing. Take care, Andrej
And speaking of mhssc weddings, Willy Johnson is getting married today! (Sunday, August 9). Congrats Willy! Former staffer John Mulligan is headed to New Zealand with some of the Canadian ski team members for a month of ski race training. Kevin Malone put together a mhssc trampoline video, which can be seen here. The heat wave ended in the pacific northwest. On Thursday, we had a few rain showers on the hill, and it even snowed lightly for like 5 minutes around 12 noon. On Friday, the ride up the magic mile was intense......wind, fog, rain. Half up up the magic mile, Mike Syrovatka called down on the radio suggesting that the lifts should be not be running. But up on Palmer it was sunny and nice....light winds.....a big time inversion. 2 significant rock slides happened on the SE side of the upper mountain on Friday. It was impressive. Roger Bay fired up his coleman stove for a friday hot dog cookout at the top of lane 6. There was a giant dungeness crab on top of the Wy'East day lodge. (see pic). Fuxi skied the mogul lane (see pic). 4 more weeks of camp left. People are still signing up for these late sessions. Still lots of snow left. Nolan Willard hasn't brought a lunch or water to the hill all summer, and he also doesn't put on sunscreen. Mike and Mark Syrovatka finished up their summer at hood this week, and head to Chile in 10 days for more on-snow training. Liz Edmunds intentionally missed her flight home last weekend. In Liz's words: i wanted to send you pictures from when evan, tom, nate and i decided that i would not be getting on my plane home and instead drove to evan's house in eugene! (see pics below) Michelle Schmitt and Adrien Young have a pact to go swimming in a lake every single day. They usually end up at Timothy Lake, but sometimes go to clear lake. Late 80's, early 90's mhssc race coach Tom Wirth sent me a photo of himself and his 2 year old daughter fishing in a lake (see below).
Session 12, 2009 update
Mother Nature was
angry this week! The photos below tell the story.
Wednesday and Friday were the worst days of the week,
but the other 3 days were no picnic either. Just a
rough session of fog, wind, rain, snow, freezing mist.
On Friday, Timberline decided to close the lifts around
9am as ice was forming on the lifts and lift towers. Stu Halverson had surgery to remove his appendix on Monday. I
didn't get the whole story, but I heard Stu is resting
now in Govy and recovering so he can head home for the
summer. One of the main floor toilets in the lodge
dorm room overflowed and water was leaking thru to the
basement ski room. The kids went bowling/movies or
climbing at smith rocks on Friday due to the crappy
weather. Jason Hey did some impressive
stunt driving when he went to pass Sean Mailey's
car on dead-man's curve with another car coming the
other direction. The "whale joke" was
brought back to life this week at mhssc. The whale
joke was originally told by former mhssc k-staff Micah
Rome (aka "johnny waffle dropper") several years ago.
There are now rocks at the top area of our race lanes,
and rocks at the bottom of the public lane...but other
than that, the snowpack is hanging in there. We
have plenty left for the next 3 sessions. I think
we go to a 7:30am lift schedule this coming session,
then probably bumped to 8am the final 2 weeks.
Extra sleep is a good thing. The K-staff is dwindling
quickly. Adrien Young has been recruited
from the counseling staff to K-staff to help fill the
void. Former mhssc mogul coach Jon O'Brien was on the snowfield this past week, coaching some
athletes from his program. The 'crash of the
decade" video posted last week, had over 200 hits in the
first 24 hours. Special thanks to Scott Kern for writing up mhssc staff updates the last several
sessions. Good work!
Friday (August 14) was the 7 year anniversary of Kees Nederhand's fatal accident on the mountain. His memorial is still up there at lift tower 8. It's still hard to believe that that happened here.
Check out the coolest basketball ski pole trick EVER! (videography by Darren Owen)
Session 13, 2009 update
Worst snow in camp history.........there,
I said it. Of course "worst" is subjective, but
the snow in our race lanes has been pretty crappy for
the last couple of weeks. It's really
inconsistent.....bullet proof smooth ice in spots,
regular summer snow in other areas, and then there are
large patches of ice cubes......it's like those roundish
shaped ice cubes they put in your coke glass at a nice
restaurant. Try skiing a slalom turn over a sheet
of ice cubes......or carrying two or more 40-pound salt
bags over that crap without blowing your knee out!
It was really sketchy in spots. The staff has
quickly dwindled down to the bare minimum for our last 2
weeks of camp. CIT Rachel Hausmann broke her
clavicle in a freak accident when her ski pole slammed
into her shoulder on Thursday, so she went home a week
early. There are officially zero K-Staff left on
staff for upcoming session 14. As mentioned in the
last update, counselor Adrien Young is pulling
double duty, helping cook meals in addition to her
counseling duties. Adrien has the mhssc breakfast
dialed in, but I think Mike Annett is going to
help her out with dinners and prep......Alex Andrews is coming to camp next week as a camper. We only
had 2 race coaches on the hill this past week: Jason Hey and Olivier Lacaille. Setting
and salting is a lot of work for just 2 guys.....they
killed it all week long. After dealing with cold
wet weather session 12, the sun came back out and we had
a 3-day heat wave in the Pacific Northwest.......more
t-shirt weather on the mountain. Nolan Willard thought it was the hottest day of the summer on
Wednesday. Darren Owen had 10-11 skiers in
his group last week.......the ability level in his group
ranged from a little girl that could barely wedge, to
ripping mogul skiers that could do 720's. Andrej Jerman sent me this youtube video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkwh4ZaxHIA And
speaking of youtube, check out K-staffer Prescott
McLaughlin at the 6 second mark of this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAM35UFG2AY I
didn't know that little kid with the crazy hair was
Prescott, until Pat Tingle pointed it out to me a
couple weeks back. As you can tell, I really don't
have much to write about this week (basically nothing
exciting happened at camp session 13), so I'm grasping
at random youtube's and talking too much about the
weather and snow conditions to fill up space. But
you know you'll just keep reading everything I write
because you LIVE for these silly little
updates.......right? Somebody stole Darren Owen's ski poles from the top of lane 5 this
week. This is the 2nd time his poles have been
swiped in the last month. Timberline is no
longer delivering salt to the top of our lanes.....they
laid people off, so they too are short handed for the
last couple weeks of summer camps. And there is no
public terrain park anymore. Windells and High
Cascade are done for the summer, so the only park left
on the hill is MHSSC's park. So yeah, it's pretty
quiet up on the mountain these days, with just a handful
of camps left.
Sean Decker has been hanging at mt hood in his K2 RV, known as "Charlie". He's going to be touring in the K2 "Charlie" RV this fall. Check out Decker's awesome video tour of his new traveling home...
Session 14, 2009 update
14 weeks down, 1 to
go. As you can see in the first photo, we moved
race headquarters from the top of lanes 5-6 to
"Gilligan's Island", which is about 40 yards below the
top Palmer road. The snow at the very top of the
lift is pretty thin these days. The groomers have
somehow pushed enough snow from who-knows-where, so we
can still unload the Palmer chairlift with our skis on,
but it's getting pretty bare up there. The "worst
snow in camp history" that I mentioned last week,
finally self corrected into normal summer snow. On
Friday Roger Bay and Jay Hey fired up the
coleman grill at lunch time and fed all the
coaches/campers some delicious hot dogs/sausages for
lunch. We had 19 total campers. Alex
Andrews came to camp this week for some race
training with her dad. She was sort of a part-time
staffer, helping out here and there when needed.
And you can see below, Gregor Druzini (sp?) and
Alex posing for a photo in the top terminal.
Also late 90's mhssc staffer, Ryohei Akiyama (Yohay) was on the hill for some mogul skiing. He
lives in the Portland area these days, is married, and
works at a sushi place. He can still rip up the
moguls up at age 30. Mike and Lynne cooked up the camp dinners all week. A nine-year
old camper boy fell madly in love with a 19 year old
female camper and he wrote her a big long love letter on
her iphone (or something like that........I didn't get
the whole story). I rode the chairlift this week
with world record for the most consecutive ski days Rainer Hertrich. He's up to 2129 days in a
row. It will be 6 years skiing everyday come
Halloween 2009. And he's also approaching 70
million vertical feet skied too. He plans to
keep the consecutive days record going until something
beyond his control stops the streak. When Mt Hood
closes on Labor Day, he jumps on a plane to South
America (Chile/Argentina) to keep skiing each and every
day. Rick Millett brought his little dog on
the hill this week. There's some funny follow-cam
video of his dog chasing him down the mountain.
Timberline salt crew/skier services dude, Victor
Beckman, ran in the the hood-to-coast relay race
this weekend. Victor and Logan Stewart made
a guest appearance at the camp picnic this week.
They ate ALOT of burgers. There was a cool cloud
above the mountain on Tuesday (see photo below) Mike began the session 14 camp orientation meeting
saying to the campers that he planned to do a lot of
windsurfing and tennis this week IF nobody got
hurt at camp, so he wouldn't be spending his time
driving kids to the hospital. On Friday, a girl
racer, broke her leg in the GS course, and a boy
snowboarder suffered a minor concussion after landing
hard off a jump. I believe the broken leg girl
rode an ambulance to the hospital with counselor Tom
Lowney. Most people are downloading the
magic mile chair at the end of the day these late summer
days. But Darren Owen hasn't downloaded the
mile since the bad snow year of 2005. It's about a
7-10 minute walk from the end of the snow to the parking
lot. Got an email from John Rust. He
said his new job is "go'in great", but he misses
everyone at camp. There's a rumor floating around
that he's going to make a one-day guest appearance next
week during adults only camp. I beat Jay Hey in a game of H-O-R-S-E for $1 dollar on Thursday night.
He said he just wanted to go thru the experience of
playing me, knowing his chances of victory were roughly
It's time to vote for mhssc employee of the month for August, 2009. If you worked at least one week during the month of August '09, you are eligible to vote. If you've already gone home for the summer, please vote via email, by clicking here. (August 2009 includes sessions 11, 12, 13, 14 and the Monday of session 15).
Next week, we wrap things up with the annual adults only session. About 25 adults are signed up. Last year there was a giant cooler of beer sitting next to the salad bar all week, and we had an eventful trip to the Oregon coast on a rain day. (scroll way way down to read all about it) I wonder what will happen this year...
Session 15, 2009 update
GAME OVER!! Longest summer in camp
history (15 weeks, compared to the usual 14). Kudos to the three people that worked ALL 15
sessions on the hill this summer: Jason Hey, Mark Stegall, & Ryan Anderson. (what
about me? Well, I missed day 1 of session 1 this
summer, so I'm what they call a "short-timer").
Nothing too earth shattering happened this last week of
camp '09, but here are some of my observations of the
annual adults-only session. Former staffers John Rust and Eva Gonzalez met up with
some of the campers on Monday night after cliff jumping
for taco night in Hood River. John also
made a guest appearance for pre-picnic rockclimbing and
the picnic too. Most of the dozen plus adult
campers that went rockclimbing showed up with 6-packs of
beer at the picnic. The wildwood park employees are
pretty anal about closing the park gate at exactly
8pm.......Well at around 7:55pm, I looked at my watch
and starting telling people "5 minutes until they lock
the gate".......and sure enough only about half the
adult campers, and coaches made it out on time. Mike had to go beg the lady to come back and open
the gate. I heard that some of the adult campers
got out of the van and started drinking beer while they
waited. I ran 8 miles at the picnic, tying my all
time picnic distance record. I saw 2 young couples
making out on the trail during my run.....they starting
laughing when I said to them "I saw that". Adult
camper "Scott" spent over $750 at Fuxi's store on
Tuesday night, buying some top-of-the-line racing gear,
including $200 shin-guards......this guy is an
intermediate skier. K-staffer Bill Toney returned to work the final session after leaving camp
around session 5. He and camper-staff Trenton,
both received generous $ tips from some of the adults.
Former staffer Fritzy showed up at Charlies on
Friday night. On Thursday, an unexpected chunk of
shitty weather put the lifts on standby. Visibility was
brutal. Roger Bay, Jason Hey and
myself rode up to the top of Palmer to check it out to
see if we could train. We got up to the top around
7:45am. The ski patrol told us they'd make a
decision in 15 minutes (8am)......at 8am, they told us
they'd delay the decision until 8:30am.......and so on
and so forth, every half hour, until around 10am, the
weather cleared and we ended up having a good day.
You can see some of the silhouette pics below of Roger and Jason Hey goofing around in the
Palmer lift terminal as we waited for standby to
end. Jason Hey shaved his scraggly beard
thursday night. (see the before and after pics
below). Adult camper Janie, told me she'd
order a video and add in some $ tip, if I included
footage of Darren Owen shoveling snow with his
shirt off. I obliged.......well actually Darren obliged. Another adult camper, Steve, did a
funny Fuxi impression on camera. Speaking
of Fuxi, he held a raffle thingy for the adult
campers. I think everybody won something. I
went to Fuxi's store on his final day of being open, and
walked away with 2 fuxi wall clocks, a t-shirt that says
"Fuxi for Government Camp Mayor", a Fuxi water
bottle, and a Fuxi chapstick.....all for the low low
price of......free! The snowboard campers (all 2
of them) had a mini terrain park set up at the very
bottom of Palmer........one or two jumps, a box, and one
rail. Snowboard video man Ryan Anderson shot some of the video from the chairlift
overhead....Ryan got very creative with the camera the
last couple of sessions when we only had a few snowboard
customers........Mark Stegall drove his truck up
to the bottom of Palmer to collect all the terrain park
"stuff" the last 2 days of camp. Luke Wendel and his girlfriend Emily came up the last day of
camp to ride. Mike and Lynne's daughters Michelle & Jennifer, came up for
a little clay court tennis tournament on the camp tennis
court over Labor Day weekend. They got rained out
on Saturday morning.......not sure what happened after
that. Michelle is slowly recovering from
micro-fracture then cadaver surgery on her ailing knee.
Camp photographer Brian Robb, was hired to
photograph at the winter olympics in Vancouver this
coming winter. Former mhssc mogul coach Jon O'Brien brought a group to train on Palmer over Labor Day
weekend, but the weather went to crap, so I'm not sure
if they even got to ski. The final day
on snow was good. We could still ski off the top
of the lift, but as you can see in the photo below, it
was getting very thin in spots. Roger Bay fired
up the coleman stove one last time to serve yummy
hotdogs to the campers & staff at lunch time at
Gilligan's Island. So that's sort of what happened the
last week of camp. I added a photo of the
mountain from session 1 below to show the drastic change
from the beginning to the end...........
MHSSC Employee of the month
for August went to Darren Owen!!
2nd place was a tie between Adrien Young and Jason Hey. Also receiving votes were Roger
Bay, Jackie Reis, Michelle Schmitt, Rick Millett, Mark Stegall, and Sean
Darren wanted me to pass this message on to you guys:
Last night I was informed of my
Award for employee of the month. I take pride in my work
thank you for your votes. I feel many people step up at
Mhssc every day without recognition or thank you because
we are all on the run all summer. I am thanking you now.
I would also like to thank John Rust for all of your
hard work over the years. You have been a positive
influence on countless Skiers, climbers and staff.
I will always miss your no thumbs up, thumbs up and your
no smile, smile. Good luck!
Have a great winter everyone ( let um run )
So another summer is in the books. Thanks for being faithful readers this summer! I hope you were entertained. I'm next headed to the Oregon Coast for a few days to relax and drink a beer.......Robin J. Cressy
BEFORE (May 24, 2009) |
AFTER (September 4, 2009) |
Post camp September 28, 2009 update
Hello people of mhssc
staff! Most of this post-camp '09 update is
a bit dated, but you know you'll read it because you LIVE for these updates.......right?
Some basic mhssc randomness: Jason Hey got a haircut to go along with his freshly shaven face (sorry no pics, post hair cut). For you 80's mhssc people, you probably remember Jerry Oh. Well Jerry is getting married in December in Los Angeles. Congrats Jerry! Another late 80's staffer, Lynn Gibson, is running in the Portland marathon this coming Sunday. Sean Mailey is playing on a soccer team in Portland. Rick Millett and Mark Stegall were still working at camp, last I heard. Former staffer Emily Longfield recently played H-O-R-S-E with former NBA player Brian Grant, in his driveway (he lives in the portland area). The nice weather we've had in portland for the majority of September is supposed to be replaced with cold and rain starting tomorrow. We might not see 80 degrees again until spring. So sad! Timberline Lodge is reporting that there will be no training on Palmer this Fall season due to low snow levels but a little bit of snow is in the forecast this week....And I'd like to welcome long lost late 80's mhssc staffers Steve Lawrence and Jonathan Georgeades to this newsletter.
Check out the rest of the update.......some good pics and staff updates below including weddings and babies:
When camp ended a couple weeks ago, I spent a little time on the Oregon coast.......relaxing in the sun!
Congratulations to mhssc race coach Willy Johnson. Willy got married back on August 8 to his now wife Jessica. Check out a few pics below, including my favorite, the hula-hoop one (have you ever been to a wedding reception that involved hula hooping?)
And another congrats goes
out to former staffer Hiro Taniguchi, who
recently had a baby! In Hiro's words:
Emilie gave birth to a little
boy Tora yesterday 9/9/09. What a great day it was.
He's 50cm and 3450g. Emilie said he crapped twice this
morning and everything looks good.
Mark Stegall and Co. (Rick?) repainted all the terrain park boxes and rails GREEN once camp was over and all the stuff was brought off the hill. Mark said we needed a new color to distinguish ourselves from some of those other camps.
End of year 2009, Happy New Year almost 2010 MHSSC
Hello and happy
holidays MHSSC staffers from past and present! I
know it's been a good 3+ months since the last update,
so it's time for a camp update, wouldn't you say?
Today (Dec.
29) Andrej Jerman won the men's world cup
downhill race in Bormio Italy!
crash just 10 days earlier:
Deneen won the Olympic qualifier last weekend and is
guaranteed a spot at the Vancouver games.
Former mhssc staffer Tim Feeney was on the cover of the Washington Post last week:
Tim Feeney jumps at the George Washington Masonic Memorial. |
Panther competed in the U.S. team selections a
couple weeks back. In Jay's words:
U.S. Ski
Team Selections is over after a long week in Winter
Park, CO. We competed this past Wednesday, Friday,
Saturday and traveled Sunday. I am pleased with how
I performed. My four best runs were my contest
runs, unfortunately I did not receive the highest
scores. I ended up 25th, 18th, and 14th overall,
only making the 16 man final round, Sunday. I
competed and landed my California Roll on Sunday as
well. I now know my schedule for the season. I
will be in Park City from Christmas through the end
of January. I am excited to have that solid block
of training before the North American Tour starts.
January 26th I leave for the East Coast and come
back to Park City February 8th. February 16th I
leave for Canada and come back March 6th. March
22nd-29th I am in Lake Tahoe for Nationals
Joe Reis sent me
some old school MHSSC comics (Joe coached at camp
back during the Reagan administration before coming
back to work again at camp in recent years) The
artist is Johanna Hall, coach in the 80's.
Rafting - We had just started Rafting and then as now thought it was too dangerous to throw kids who had no sense into a raft and expect that everyone would be alive at the end of the trip. For a few Friday night meetings Mike let me do a safety talk but that was short lived...
Lynne - Lynne was the video person before you. She was always wary of someone hitting her and hurting her knee again. One day I came down ahead of my group, hip checked and came close to taking her out. You can imagine the look on her face. I think I still have the video with her not happy comments on it.
Becky and Dave - Dave Martin coached with us one or two years and his wife or fiancé worked in the kitchen. The coaching staff got the usual meals except Dave. Sometimes Becky would create something special for him - we were awfully jealous!
Ray Dicius and I drove buses this year. Anyway, one day Ray was bringing kids back to Snow bunny after soccer in Welch's and was about up to where the bridge crosses over to Golden Poles. A drunk driver in a pickup came screaming up behind the 15 MPH bus and rammed into the rear of it. The State Police took the guy into custody and Ray drove the bus onto Snow bunny.
Mike Annett has
been coaching the mhssc winter camps alongside
daughter Jennifer Annett-Bard. It's
good to see Mike back out there on the hill with a
bundle of gates, a drill, etc coaching away. Mark Stegall has been coaching the
snowboarders and the freeskiers.
Former MHSSC cook Michelle Schmitt turned 21
last month.......her and AJ Crocker talked me
into joining them at "The Cosmo Lounge" in SE
Portland for her birthday bash. They were
funny! Michelle is attending school in
Vancouver, BC.........AJ is going to school @
Portland State University.
Bill Whalley made
the news in Hawaii: Read the article by
clicking -->> here
Rogan Connell is engaged! Congrats
That's all I have.
Not much actual camp news. It's snowing in
Portland as I write this. There might be a
solid 1-inch of snow on the ground at my
place......enough to create a panic in this town.
Happy New Year!