April 10, 2003
Hi all, Here is your MHSSC monthly
update: Will Wasson had a baby!!!!!!!!!! Parker
Blue Wasson born March 4 at 11;30 PM in Montrose, CO. Tom
Sell and Mary are expecting baby #2: due sept.25! Andrej Jerman's world cup season results: . I scored points on 11 of 15
world cup races I started and finished season as 27th
overall in downhill and 35 in super-g. My best place was
12th in super-g in Val Garedna, 16th in downhill on Birds of
Prey, and 5th in combined in Wengen. Andrej is heading to Thailand this summer for 3
weeks, and is not likely coming to Hood, although brother Izi is considering coming. Hannah Horne, staffer from
the early 90's, is getting married in 3 months. She lives
and goes to school in Georgia. I think Craig Bowden is moving to Oregon next month. Anyone want my job
this summer? I'm on the injured reserve list. (see attached
pic) While skiing last week, I wrecked hard and ruptured my
Achilles Tendon. (same injury Rogan had last fall) I
had surgery a few days ago, and the healing/rehab is
supposed to take 6 months. I might be able to skid down
Palmer on one leg by August to do video on the hill, but we
are looking for someone to fill in for me June/July. I
might be MHSSC office boy employee the majority of the
summer. Spring ski camps: If you didn't know, Mike added 5
sessions of spring ski/snowboard camps to the program.
Sign-ups were minimal, but camp did take place all 5
weeks, establishing something for future years. I think a
total of 9 or 10 campers signed up over those 5 sessions.
All but two of them were snowboarders that Chris/Brandy worked with. I got to coach the 1 racer camper sign-up from
session 3. We spent 3 days at Timberline, a day at Mt Hood
Meadows and a powder day road trip to Mt. Bachelor. At the
end of the timberline days, we'd ski/snowboard as a group
down to Govy on the alpine trail, where Mike would come pick
us up in the van. Timberline has 178" of snow now......so
it looks a lot better now than it did at the end of
Good Morning, The infamous MHSSC blue bus took a swim in the Deschutes River on Tuesday.

I wasn't there to witness the event in person, but will try and describe what happened. It was a typical MHSSC rafting trip with about 15 kids, 3 staffers. After they floated the river, the kids were getting in the bus at Sandy Beach as the staffers (Micah, Fritzy and Scotty) were loading up the 3 rafts on the raft trailer. The bus had two big rocks underneath the wheels to keep it from rolling anywhere. The combination of the kids getting in the back of the bus and the rafts being loaded somehow unweighted the front of the bus enough for the bus to roll over the rocks that were being used as blocks......so the bus started rolling backwards (trailer first) into the river..........In a matter of seconds the bus full of kids was in the river.........I heard there were some anxious moments and a little bit of panic as the kids rushed to get out the front door of the bus before the bus was completely submerged. A brave girl camper tried to put on the brakes, but they didn't work. Everybody got out safely. Backpacks and other personal belongings remained on the bus.........most of that stuff was recovered once they towed the bus out of the river. The local portland TV news came up to camp and did a news story on the accident and they interviewed a bunch of the kids. It was the headline lead story (KGW Channel 8). I recorded it......Some history of the blue bus.......Mike bought it at an auction for $1500 in the summer of 1986. Coach Johanna Hall painted the MHSSC logo and mountain on the side of the bus. It only has a 20 gallon tank, so it's ran out of gas countless times on extended trips over the years. John Mulligan (former coach) was driving it to the Portland airport one day for pickups when all brakes went out......he crashed through one of those gates that go up and down......luckily he was able to downshift and coast to a stop without incident. One time the blue was stolen! The would-be-thiefs took it for a joy ride one late evening.......but they brought it back safely to Government Camp parked in a different location. No damage done. Do you have a favorite blue bus story you'd like to share? Do you think the blue bus will ever run again? Other camp news: It was blazing hot this week. 100 degrees in Portland on Tuesday. The snowfield is shrinking but there's still enough snow for training on the lower west lane and it's about a 1/3 mile walk from the end of the snow to the parking lot. The coaches finally won a softball game at the camp picnic. Score was 15-2 or something like that. Craig Bowden hit a home run......actually there were several homeruns, but I can't recall who else did it. the biggest session of the year is this coming week (session 11)........There's about 140 racers, 8 mogulers, 2 groups of snowboarders.........I think we have 6 brand new race coaches coming aboard........should be interesting.
Session 11, 2003
Hi, Just finished up the biggest session in CAMP
HISTORY! 162 kids, 24 race coaches, 1 mogul coach, 1 terrain park ski
coach, 2 snowboard terrain park coaches, and 1 race snowboard coach.
6 brand new coaches joined the workforce.......lots of new faces, including a
couple of U.S. ski team coaches helping us out and the return of Kevin McDevitt who hasn't coached with us since the Summit Lodge years. Long lift lines,
shrinking snowfield.......lots of camps competing for limited hill space.
Oh before I forget, Joe Reis took 4 cookies on friday (double the maximum
allowed). Mike bought a new bus to replace the drowned blue
bus.........it's about the same size as the blue one, but it's yellow like any
typical school bus. And it's 14 years younger than the blue bus. A
camper took the "milk challenge".......trying to drink a gallon of milk in under
1 hour........he puked......some of which made it into the garbage can, the rest
going on the floor. The camcorder Mike won on Ebay a couple weeks
ago, lasted for about 15 minutes before it died........I'm hearing rumors about
some ex-staffers (cooks) coming up to the lodge to be guest cooks this coming
Tuesday........I wonder if they'll stick with the normal Pasta Tuesday night
menu, or perhaps they'll come up with their own menu. Expected guest
cooks: Andrew Lynn, Pierce Louis, Craig Bowden, and perhaps Scott Carlis....We had a tie for Employee of the month for July: Scotty Veenis and John Rust! Way to go guys! Taking the bronze was Mikey Evian. Barrett's dog "Gypsy" (sp?), got 1 vote..Last week's camp trivia question:
What former MHSSC coach got married at the camp lodge? Bonus question: Name of
the person he/she married? Answer: Michelle Annett, who married Phil
Taylor. They had the actual wedding where the current volleyball court is
and the reception was in the lodge and outdoor dance floor was set up where the
handicapped parking spots currently are. Her sister Jennifer Annett (Bard), was the only person to answer both parts correctly.......Rogan came up
with part 1. Michelle got married the day after camp ended a few summers
ago......the leftover staffers that were still around, helped set everything up
and helped cook the food.
back from a rafting trip Jordan (kitchen staff) dared a camper (Adam) to drink river water from Pat's (counselor) rafting boots. The other campers upped the dare with a reward of $7.50. He did it! That same trip, the bus ran out of gas just about five miles from camp (we just reached the last ascent and didn't quite make it over). Staff members hitchhiked (basically they stood in the road until they were pretty much hit by cars) home. We returned at a very late hour. Just this last summer (I was a paid counselor by this time) Jared was driving the bus home from a rafting trip when we realized we hadn't done enough coasting and needed gas. As he drove into a gas station, he ripped part of the ski racks off because the bus did not fit in between the rows of gas pumps. The station was closed, but "XXXXX" (name protected) flirted her way into coaxing the owners into filling up the tanks. Needless to say, the owners were some of Oregon's finest PWT. I guess my stories are not really about what happened to the bus, but more like what happened on the bus, but they are great memories.
from Jennifer Otten:
the blue bus is blue
now that it's gone
Session 12, 2003
Hey, the attached picture was taken on Thursday, August 14. For those of
you who weren't on my mhssc e-mail list last year, you may not have known
that one of our MHSSC campers skied into the rocks on lower palmer and was
killed a year ago. His name was Kees Nederhand, age 14, from New York.
Thursday was the one year anniversary of the accident. Brandy helped put
together the plaque you see in the picture in his memory. Mike and Brandy are working on getting a more permanent Bronze plaque to be put up in the
near future. Several of the kids and staff took some time off from
training on thursday morning to visit the memorial site, add some flowers,
and made it all look nice again.

and scouted some out of bounds runs today we ski <portillobuen dias W
Session 14, 2003
Hi kids, We just concluded another
successful summer at Mt Hood. Last week was our adults only session.
We had about 25 campers.......The snow held up to the very end. The
groomers did a great job at pushing snow, so we could ski onto the
loading ramp at midway Palmer and also at the bottom of Palmer. See
attached picture of the snowfield as it looked yesterday. As you can
see, the middle 4 lanes were nothing but dirt. Luckily timberline gave
us lane 1 to finish the summer. There were absolutely no lift lines all
week. Only a handful of other camps were up there. Brandy, Darren, and Jeff Woodson were all hired to coach private lessons to 3 of the
adults. We had one racer from Nepal. Here are a few highlights
from last week: An unnamed coach overslept the first morning of camp.
Luckily the video man (also unnamed) went to his place and woke his ass
up. Once he realized he had overslept, he said the "F" word
approximately 11 times. He also told me that if I mentioned this event
in the next staff e-mail newsletter update, he'd kick my ass. Terry
McLeod took his ski off, and it proceeded to go down the palmer
snowfield, unmanned. It ended up stopping in the mogul lane. Terry also had 3 of his racers ski into the rocks.....luckily no injuries. Bryan Rooney visited us the last few days of camp. He had a "real" job
in Vail now, working as an event manager. Camper Katrina took a wicked
hard fall in the GS, and sustained a mild concussion (caught on video).
The adult campers took on the staffers in the final picnic softball game
of the year. I was the pitcher......for one pitch. I did a practice
pitch to one of the masters, and he proceeded to hit a hard line drive
into my lower leg ending my career as the pitcher. The game ended in a
tie and was cut short do to darkness. Mike and Lynne joined Terry and a
few of the masters for afternoon activity golf. Terry hit his ball thru
somebody's glass door and the owners came running out. Sage fell
asleep before dinner in Govy.......nobody woke him up to give him a ride
to dinner at the lodge. So he ran in his sandals from Govy to the lodge
(5 or 6 miles).......The K-staff (cooks) put out individual bowls of jello for dessert a few days ago for the masters........the masters then
grabbed some napkins and wrote "we want ice cream" on the napkins and
covered each bowl of jello with their ice cream signs. It worked!
They got their ice cream......and chocolate topping, and whip cream.
The adult campers played "beer pong" at the picnic with some of the
staffers. Elliot and Co. took some of the fireworks that were
confiscated from the campers and built a bomb with the explosive
material found inside. It actually worked. Speaking of Elliot, he and Joe tried to hitch hike from the lodge to Govy around midnight a few
days ago. The first car to come by was a cop car. They ran into the
woods as the cops approached them. Last week's camp trivia: Name two coaches that have
coached at both Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps, and National Alpine Ski Camp ? Bonus question: which one former
MHSSC coach went on to coach at Gilboa ski camps? The answers: Lori & Pete Deisroth coached at both
MHSSC and NASC, and bonus answer: Annik Boulva coached at MHSSC and
Gilboa. The first person to answer correctly was Rogan Connell. 2nd
place went to Bill Whalley. Good job guys......you win nothing and
like it.
September 16, 2003
Hi kids! Congrats to Tom and Mary Sell. They
had their 2nd child yesterday. From Tom: Maria Kathleen
Sell was born today at 11:05 am. 7lbs, 14 oz, 18.75 inches long.
Mother and Baby doing great, Dad And big brother blown away! Vance is
getting married to Eva this coming weekend at Aspen. I believe
the ceremony takes place at the top of the tram. The last
camp trivia question I sent out a couple weeks ago: Name 8 MHSSC coaches, past or present, that are originally from
Slovenija? Bonus question: Name the one MHSSC coach (past or
present) that came from Slovakia? Rogan answered correctly. I think Rogan won at
least 3 of the trivia question contests this past summer. There
were more than 8 coaches from Slovenija, and here is the list:
(no last names) Urban, Uros, Izi, Katja, Andrej, Matjaz,
Florjan, Ales, Miha, Marjan, Janez, and Tina. The
bonus question, who came from Slovakia: Answer: Maja.
MHSSC Employee of the month for August 2003 went to: DARREN
OWEN! Way to go Darren! Darren doesn't even
have an e-mail account, so he'll never read this. There was a 3
way tie for 2nd place in the voting: Fritzy, Nicole Taylor,
and Jeff Woodson. Way to go! And Honorable mention
goes to: Terry, Joe Maas, Matjaz, and Scottie.
K-staff too. It's snowing up at timberline lodge today. The
rain has returned to oregon, and freezing levels are pretty
low. I hope this is a good indicator for heavy snowfall this
winter. A few staffers stayed at the lodge for some post camp
work: Fritzy, Rust, Terry, Craig, Jared, and Scotty
Veenis. (probably more people than that, I'm getting my
info 2nd hand) I wasn't part of the crew but heard they did some
work on the zipline, fixed some stuff in the dining
room/kitchen, and noticed they were cleaning up and organizing
those side rooms in the basement. I think 3 or so skiers
signed up for Mike's fall ski camps........I think Rust and Chris Hargrave are coaching those campers
this fall. Bill Whalley left mt hood at the end of August for a ski trip to South
America. He writes: Hey, I am in
south america right now, the skiing is pretty good considering the
lack of snow, had about 4inches new and the terrain is
unbelievable, unfortunately you have to
hike a lot, and i am completely out of shape.
That's about all I can think of. Have an excellent day.
Hi mt hood staffers past and present, Camp update: Timberline closed lift operation after trying it for two weekends in September. In case you didn't know, Mike expanded camp and now has 3-day weekend camps in the fall (friday, saturday, sundays), Christmas camps during winter break, and 6 sessions in the spring offered as well. One freestyle skier signed up a few weekends ago. Chris Hargrave coached him. Chris said they set up a rail and so they did a lot of rail riding, and freeskiing. Mike and Lynne treated us (Chris, his wife Amy, myself, and the one freestyle camper) to a night of pizza and Hockey in Portland. Portland doesn't have an NHL team, but they have the Portland Winterhawks, which is basically a developmental league for the NHL, with players as young as 16. Last weekend an adult racer came to train with the fall camps. Unfortunately Timberline decided to close the lifts but didn't tell anyone before this adult camper showed up. But John Rust made it happen anyway. They drove Mike's truck up to the bottom of Palmer and they hiked up to the snow from there. There was enough snow for slalom training on lower palmer so they made the best of sketchy conditions. They did two days of training and Mike took the guy sailboarding one of the days, and I heard he had a great time at camp. Employee of the month for October would have to go to John Rust. He had to carry his own skis, gates, drill, wrench, & video camera up several hundred yards from the bottom of Palmer to the one patch of dirty snow, set up everything, slip the course, shoot video, and coach this one guy. I was at the camp lodge yesterday. Rust has completely cleaned and organized the basement........those rooms off to the sides (under the porches) with all the crap in them.....completely clean, organized, old crap was chucked. He's in the process of making one of those rooms into a repair shop of sorts. Janet (Lorton) Moran had a baby boy last month......named "Max". Mommy and baby are doing just fine.
Vance's wedding!

December 15, 2003
Hi Kids! Another camp update and a few camp
memories too. I recently added Johnny O to the MHSSC list (John Orlando). John worked at camp in the
early 90's. He alive and well, living in Los Angeles......in
his words:
One of the first days of a summer session, I was riding up the chair with a young camper, maybe a 12 year old. I didn't know he was with MHSSC and he didn't know I worked there either. He sat really still and quietly on the chair and then all of a sudden I heard this big gasp and a whimper. I turned to him and asked him what was wrong. He was crying, tears running down his cheeks. He said that he was really upset because his parents had sent him to, "K-Mart Camp". I started giggling and asked him what was so bad about his camp. He said that the van he had to ride in didn't have working doors, and that it was held together with a bungee cord and duct tape. I asked him what camp he was at, knowing full well that it was MHSSC and that he didn't like Dark Blue very much. I was right. I told him that he'd have a good time, he just had to give it a chance. Near the end of the session, the camper came up to me and asked me if I'd call his parents and ask them if he could stay for another session. Johnathan Georgiates (don't know if that's how to spell his name) singing the Soul Glow song from Coming to America. I have a few more, but have to write them later. Thanks Robin!
December 24, 2003
Here's your Christmas Eve MHSSC newsletter update: White
Christmas in Oregon? The weatherman predicts snow for
those areas above 1000 feet, so Portland is left in the rain
zone. I was at the MHSSC lodge last weekend, guest coaching
for the Aloha high ski team. John Rust was coaching
the one and only camper for session 1 MHSSC winter
camp.....I think a half dozen or so campers are signed up
for session 2 winter camps which start right after x-mas. The BLUE BUS is ALIVE!
Here's an instant classic MHSSC memory to add to the list:
As John Rust describes it: Dec. 16, 2003: Today was memorable - Mike driving the bus from Maupin to Parkdale - the temp was 30 degrees, there was no front
window and he had his goggles and a down jacket on - the bus
hav'in been through everything it has - fired on the first
So there you have it. Mike said it's unlikely the
infamous blue bus will return to the fleet of MHSSC
vehicles, so it's ultimate fate has yet to be determined.
For the few of you that have no idea what happened to the
bus this past summer, it took a little swim into the
Deschutes River after a MHSSC white water rafting trip......
Happy new year!