PO Box 317
Government Camp, OR 97028


Thank you for your interest in working for Mt. Hood Summer Ski Camps. We are currently hiring for our Summer ‘25 season. All positions are currently open and will be updated as they fill up.

Below you will find linked job descriptions for our paid staffing opportunities as well as descriptions of our various discount programs available to those under 18. If you have interest in any of the available listings, please submit your job application and resume to mhsscjob@gmail.com

18+ Job Opportunities:

Camp Counselor (19+) *FULL for Summer 2025

Kitchen Staff (18+) *FULL for Summer 2025

Bus Drivers (21+)

Miscellaneous Positions: other one off positions are sometimes available such as mogul digging crew, medical help, weekend cleaning help, etc. If you’d like to hear about options please send an application and resume to mhsscjob@gmail.com. 



Discount Programs:


OBJECTIVE: CIT's that we hire will be trained to be fully-fledged counselors once they reach age 18, so that they can start in their new position with knowledge on camp, activities, and the local area.We are looking for high school juniors or seniors and/or recent high school graduates. We want motivated individuals who would return to camp the following summer(s) to take up full counselor duties. 

CIT DUTIES: The position does NOT involve any driving. CIT's need to go on activities with counselors and coaches in order to learn how to get there, how to set up the activity and how it should be run. CIT's are also responsible for monitoring the campers, putting them to bed and waking them up in the morning. CIT’s may assist with airport pickups/dropoffs, and if they don’t go to the airport on the weekend they will assist the camper-staff and the cleaning crews to get the lodge prepared for the following week or help do check-in of new campers arriving at the lodge. CIT’s ski every day and receive training every day as a typical camper would. They also participate in full weekday activities.

REQUIREMENTS AND FEES: CIT’S are required to attend one fully paid session followed by at least 3-4 weeks working as a CIT. These working weeks you will only pay for lift tickets ($700 a week). They also must depart on Sunday rather than Saturday of their last week.

Once you submit an application (indicating the weeks you would like to work only) and are accepted, you will be expected to register online for your fully paid week (before the working weeks). We will then register you for your CIT weeks with the discount applied.

*UPDATE: Camper-Staff positions are already filled for Sessions 5, 6 & 7 for Summer 2025.

Camper-Staff are typically younger campers who are looking for a way to attend camp at a discounted rate. As a camper-staff, your job duties are to assist the kitchen staff in cleaning the kitchen throughout the meal shifts, as well as cleaning the lodge during the weekends. This includes washing dishes, taking out the trash, sweeping, etc. and on weekends replacing the bedding in the bunk rooms for the new incoming campers. 

REQUIREMENTS AND FEES: CIT’s can do one week camper/one week staff, or they can do two weeks camper/two weeks staff. You cannot do one camper week followed by two working weeks (exceptions can be made only under certain circumstances). You can also do two weeks as a camper and then only work one week if you would like. You must do all the camper weeks before the staff weeks. Your camper week(s) will be full price, and your staff week(s) you will only be required to pay for lift tickets. 

Costs are as follows for Summer 2025:
1 camper session ($2,300) and one staff week lift tickets ($700) = $3,000 (Savings of $1,600)

2 camper sessions ($4,600) and two staff week lift tickets ($1,400) = $6,000 (Savings of $3,200)

Once you submit an application (indicating the weeks you would like to work only) and are accepted, you will be expected to register online for your fully paid week(s). We will register you for your working week(s) with the discount applied.

No sessions are full for this summer yet.

Job Application Link