March 22, 2025
Summer is quickly approaching. Have you signed up for camp yet? Ski Race, Moguls, Freeski, Snowboard. We got you covered!
August 4, 2024
PLENTY OF SNOW! Our Adults-Only camp is coming up soon. August 11 - 17, to be exact. The snowpack has held up great this summer, despite a rather warm month of July. It's gonna be excellent. Not too late to hit that "Register" button and come join the fun! Summer Ski Camp is probably on your bucket list, right?! Ski Race, Moguls, Freeski, Snowboard. We got you covered!
July 21, 2024
BREAKING NEWS!! TIMBERLINE FREESTYLE is going to have a public terrain park for us until mid-August, so there is still time to sign up for freestyle skiing and snowboarding for Session 9 & 10! Don’t miss out on your last chance to ski & snowboard at the longest running summer ski camp in America!
Camp Photos Galore from mid-summer 2022 to current on our new smugmug page, which you can find -->here!
June 30, 2024
We are Lovin' Life at Mt Hood!!
Camp is going great! Lots of snow! The kids are great! Spots available in July and August!
Camp Photos Galore from mid-summer 2022 to current on our new smugmug page, which you can find -->here!
June 16, 2024
We just wrapped up Session #2 (out of 11 sessions) at MHSSC. It's been amazing so far! We'd love to have you come join us this Summer! Whether you are a Ski Racer, Mogul Skier, Freeskier or Snowboarder, we have a program for YOU!
June 2, 2024
We are back for more fun on the slopes of Mt Hood! We hope you come join us this Summer. We are excited!
Come Join Us!
May 5, 2024
Summer ski camp is right around the corner. Session 1 begins on June 2nd. Are you signed up yet? Hit that Register button! Everybody gets better here!
Come Join Us!
April 15, 2024
Take an in-depth look at Timberline's snow-farming program with photos from Mountain Manager, Logan Stewart. Logan took these photos last month. The idea is to use the snowcats to dig these vertical trenches on the surface of the snowpack to help capture and deposit the snow from all incoming storms from the Pacific Ocean to maximize snow depth up on the Palmer Snowfield.
Timberline is currently reporting a 129" base (April 15, 2024), with much more depth on the upper mountain where the Summer training takes place.
Below is a Timberline produced video from 2018, that shows the process of their amazing snow-farming process.
March 11, 2024
Sign up Now!
As winter transitions into Spring, it's also time to start thinking about Summer! We have camps for ski racers, mogul skiers, freeskiers and snowboarders! Come join us!
February 9, 2024
Summer '24 Countdown!
We have Ski Race Camp. We have Mogul camp. We have Freeski camp. We have Snowboard camp. We've been around for 46 years! Everybody gets better here!
January 14, 2024
Summer 2024 awaits YOU!
Summer 2024 dates and prices are up! We can't wait for another great summer at Mt Hood! Come join the fun!
August 31, 2023
Summer 2023 has come and gone. It felt like it went by so fast. So many great memories! So many great kids! We are so thankful for all of you for coming to our camp! We hope you all have a fabulous snow-filled winter at your home mountains, so you guys can put your improved skills to the test.
We already look forward to Summer 2024!
July 23, 2023
It ain't over til it's over!
We just wrapped up Session #7. Camp has been excellent! There's still Sessions available. Get off that couch and come join us. Skiing in the Summer is a thing! A great thing everybody should experience. Bucket list.
Come join us!
July 9, 2023
Why come to camp?
Because camp is a super excellent experience! You will improve your skills. You will make new friends. You will increase your self-confidence. Did I mention "fun" yet? You will have fun!
Come join us!
June 25, 2023
What are you waiting for?!
Summer on Mt Hood is in full swing. Kids are smiling. Kids are improving. Kids are coming here and not wanting to go home. 8 more sessions to go!
Come join us!
June 11, 2023
We've only just begun!
Session 1 is in the books. We've had a great start to our Summer '23 season and we are ready for more! 10 more weeks are on the menu. Everybody gets better here!
Come join us!
May 27, 2023
Why go to Summer Camp?
Going to Summer camp is an American tradition. Although our primary focus is on Skiing and Snowboarding, we also do a lot of the traditional Summer camp stuff. Things like white-water rafting, rock-climbing, trampoling'ing, field sports, skateboarding, hiking, lake sports, eating camp food, riding in the bus, camp BBQ, making great friends, and on and on! Come here, improve your skiing/snowboarding skills, but also have a great time and go home with an amazing experience for your life résumé!
We are busy getting things ready for Session 1, starting in about a week!
Come join us!
May 18, 2023
Daniella D.
I would absolutely recommend Mt.Hood Ski Camps. Last summer my son learned so much there. For one week his skiing skills improved so much, it was unbelievable. He skied on a whole new level the last season. He got inspired and now he is a freerider looking forward to compete next season. Can’t wait to see the improvements from this week in summer camp.
Monica K.
My son went for a week last year and loved it so much he is returning for 4 weeks this summer, and convinced his sister and 3 friends to come along. This is heaven on earth for any kid that loves to ski.
Taina O.
This was my daughter's first time and as soon as we picked her up, she wanted to go back. So much fun and she learned a lot. Thank you for a great program! See you next year.
Teri H. (Jordan's mom):
My daughter Jordan H. spent a week at your camp recently. It was truly the time of her life. She can't stop talking about it. I want to thank you for that.
Beth K. (Sara's mom):
I want to thank you all for the wonderful experience that my daughter, Sara, had at your camp this summer. (She attended sessions 7 & 8) She learned a lot, had lots of fun and made some lasting friendships! (We already had one camp friend come to visit when his family was visiting the Boston area at the end of the summer!!) She is trying to figure out how she can stay for longer next summer! Thank you again!!!
the Poiriers:
dear mike;
thank you for a wonderful week. colette, jolie, angele, genevieve and myself all had a truly wonderful and awesome experience. the coaching was far beyond what i thought it would be. All of the coaches are passionate and incredible. You have a first rate operation and i admire your dedication and passion. To ski every day and have such wonderful weather and to do incredible activities in the afternoon is mind boggling. It reminds me of my younger days. We will definitely be coming back next year as one week was not enough. You're camp was the highlight of our summer and hopefully the prelude to a successful ski racing season for our family.
thank you.
11 Sessions to choose from. Session 1 begins June 4, 2023.
Come join us!
May 11, 2023
Bring your Passion!!
Summer is right around the corner. Bring your skis. Bring your snowboard. Bring your Passion!
We have lots of snow! Come join the fun!
April 10, 2023
Everybody gets better here!!
That's our motto. Do you want to get better? Join us this Summer!
February 8, 2023
Summer '23 dates and prices!
The snow is piling up on Mt. Hood and we are looking forward to another great Summer on the Palmer Glacier!! Timberline is reporting a 104" base, with much more snow depth up on Palmer.
The Summer 2023 Dates and Prices are posted, with 11 weekly sessions running from June 4 thru August 19. Come join the fun!
Stay healthy out there.
August 29, 2022
Another great Summer in the books!
We just wrapped up Summer '22, with excellent weather, plenty of snow, and virtually zero lift lines! What more could you ask for? just published an article and video about our camp that you can see here.
Wanted to thank everybody that joined us this Summer! We appreciate you guys!
August 6, 2022
No Lift Lines!
We are down to our final 2 sessions for Summer 2022. This coming week is the last of the kids sessions and the follow week is our annual Adults-Only Session, August 14-20. If you are an adult "on-the-fence" about coming, we hope you decide to join us. Best end-of-the-Summer snow conditions in years. Virtually zero lift lines. Campers are experiencing both quality and quantity training runs.
July 23, 2022
4 weeks left!
7 weeks down, 4 to go! So far, it's been an amazing summer with an incredible snowpack and a great group of campers. It's not too late to sign up for our remaining sessions, wrapping up with our Adults-Only Session, August 14 - 20.
May 13, 2022
23 days until Summer Camp!
After ho-hum snow storms in January, February and March, it really picked up in April and May! Snow levels are now above the historical average for mid-May. While most ski areas across the country have closed for the year, Timberline is just ramping up for the Summer season. Come join the fun!
March 27, 2022
Summer is coming!
But before Summer, we just added a Spring Camp Session: May 7-11. Five days on snow. This Spring camp is for Alpine Ski Racers, Freeskiers and Snowboarders (sorry, no moguls). Also note that the Spring camp is for "Coaching Only". Campers are responsible for their own Food, Lodging and Transporation. The camp tuition covers Coaching, lift tickets and daily video analysis.
We have 11 week-long Sessions, beginning June 5, 2022 and wrapping up our Summer on August 20. Come join the fun!!
Stay healthy out there.
February 21, 2022
A new era!
Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher said, “Change is the only constant in life.” With that being said, Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps will be going through some changes this coming Summer. The camp property and lodges were sold to a developer on January 3rd of this year. The new property owner was not interested in managing a ski and snowboard camp business, so the camp continues on under the same original family ownership (Mike & Lynne Annett), but will be operating out of a different lodge, and the new Camp Director is long-time staffer Bill Toney.
The "Aubrey Watzek Lodge", is located just west of White River Canyon off of Highway 35, eleven miles from Timberline Lodge Ski Area. Some general information about the lodge: It's BIG! It sleeps 144. Has 5 bathrooms. The Boy Scouts of America use the lodge during the Winter months.
We have 11 Summer Sessions scheduled this Summer. Sign up early, as prices go up $100 per Session, beginning on March 1, 2022.
December 22, 2021
Winter Camp Session #2 is coming up soon!
We still have openings for our Winter Camp session 2 for ski racers and freeskiers. It's 6-days-on-snow, running December 27 thru January 1. This is a "Coaching-Only" camp, which only includes coaching and lift tickets. Lodging and Transportation are your own responsibility.
We opened this camp up to local Oregon High School ski racers for "drop-in" training: $115/day rate, which does not include your daily lift ticket.
Stay healthy out there.
October 30, 2021
Sun Valley Thanksgiving Ski Race Camp plus 2 winter camps at Hood!
We have decided to take our 2021 Thanksgiving camp to Sun Valley this year! This camp will be for ski racers only, intermediate skiers and above. Click the photo for more details.
We also have 2 Winter Sessions scheduled at Mt Hood.
This is open to Ski Racers, Freeskiers and Snowboarders. Click the photo for more details.
Stay healthy out there.
May 30, 2021
Here we go!
Summer #43 for Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps begins today! Wow 43 years already? How did that happen?! Come join the fun this summer!
April 20, 2021
Camp starts in less than six weeks. We are now in between Spring sessions #3 and 4. There is lots of room in Spring Session #4. We have only three people signed up in Spring Session 4, so those people will get a lot of personal attention.
We are authorized to operate at 100% occupancy by the State of Oregon. However we plan to operate at 80% for the first part of the summer. Some sessions are getting close to full. Session 3 has 20 spots left for overnight campers. Session 4 only has 10 spots left. If you are doing family camp options 2 or 3 you don’t have to worry because you are not in our housing.
Holy Bowly is about to go down on Paintbrush at Timberline. Check it out, it is amazing.
We are also hosting a 2-day high school Spring Camp for local Oregon high school ski racers, plus a PARENTS ONLY training day. Info and dates here.
September 17, 2020
We just wanted to send out a big "THANK YOU" to all of our campers, staff and Timberline mountain employees for making Summer 2020 a success! Special shout-out to Timberline staffers Logan Stewart, Gretchen Emmons-Kelly, and Miles Bland for the key roles they played in helping keep everyone safe.
Conditions permitting, our next scheduled camp is Thanksgiving week camp in late November.
Stay healthy out there.
August 9, 2020
We are rapidly wrapping up our final 3 sessions of Summer 2020! It's NOT too late to sign up! Still lots of snow up here. For your adults out there, come join us for our annual Adults-Only Session, August 23-29!
July 19, 2020
We just passed the halfway point of summer ski 2020. We have the rest of July and all of August to go! Grab your masks and come join us!
June 23, 2020
After some challenging weather, a new cable and other repairs completed, the Palmer Chairlift opened up last week to the some beautiful bluebird days! We are so stoked!
Stay healthy out there.
June 14, 2020
Up and Running!
We have two weeks of camp under our belts, only one day missed due to challenging weather. Training has been on the top of the Magic Mile thus far. They say Palmer chairlift will open this coming week. It's going to be glorious! We will let you know in the next newsletter.
May 16, 2020
Timberline is open!
From Camp Director Mike Annett: " Robin, Bill and I went skiing today. We were lucky enough to get a reservation. My last ski day was March 20th, so this felt great. The ski area is opening in baby steps, making sure that it is done in a way that is safe for all. We applaud their efforts for once again being the pioneers that they are. Camp will begin on May 31st with about half a dozen campers and even more staff. We got this!"
May 9, 2020
Great News!
Timberline should re-open next week. The mountain is working diligently with the Governor of Oregon to open under Phase I. In addition, mountain maintenance has made major progress in repairing the Palmer chairlift, that suffered ice damage this winter. Camp expects to begin operations May 31 with our first session. Our staff is currently working on our Covid-19 protocols. Those details will be made available to everyone enrolled this summer.
If anyone has trepidation about participating in our group setting, we have an option we would like you to know about. We call it "Family Camp" or "Coaching Only". Basically, for a reduced rate, you can come to camp for the skiing, coaching on the hill, lift tickets and video. You get to take care of your own housing, meals and transportation. Here is a useful link:
Stay healthy out there.
May 5, 2020
Covid-19 Update
This year with the Corona Virus situation, we are not sure when the camp will start, if at all. Timberline is anxious to get back open as are we, but that will depend on local health officials. Oregon hasn't been hit very hard compared to other places. We have plenty of snow and lots of room in our lodges. We are taking signups for this summer and have waived our cancellation policy for 2020 so that shouldn’t be an issue. We hope to know more soon.
In the meantime, we are working on our covid-19 protocols, so that we will be ready to have camp when we get the go-ahead from the state.
Stay healthy out there.
April 10, 2020
That there will be a summer on Palmer Glacier in 2020
That Americans will do whatever necessary to bring an end to this terrible virus and get back to normal
That in a couple of weeks the horrible numbers will begin to improve and people will begin to lay out plans to reopen America
That the best minds in the U.S. are working as hard as they can to accomplish everything above as quickly as possible
February 20, 2020
Thinking about Summer Ski Camp!
Not too early to be thinking about Ski Camp this summer. The snowpack in the Pacific Northwest is excellent. As of today, Timberline is reporting a 135" base, with much more up on the Palmer Snowfield, as you can in the photos below.
Come join us!
December 3, 2019
Winter is Coming!
We have THREE Winter Sessions coming up this month. Not too late to sign up!
Winter Session 1 (3 days on snow): December 7 - 11
Winter Session 2 (3 days on snow): December 14 - 18
Winter Session 3 (6 days on snow) December 26 - January 2
Winter Camp info here.
We also have a 1-day Oregon High School Giant Slalom Ski Camp for local high school racers, on Friday, January 3. Details here.
And congrats to Summer Camper-Staff Jasmine Arrison. She was selected as the inaugural Marce Herz Far West Skiing Scholarship recipient. You can read all about it here.
Come join us!
November 5, 2019
Embracing the Change!
This will be a transition year for the freeski and snowboard programs in our camp, as well as the other Summer freestyle camps at Mt Hood. Timberline Lodge Ski Resort has recently announced a major change for the mountain's Freestyle Programs, beginning in Summer 2020.
For 30+ years the majority of Timberline’s summer terrain parks have been private, hosting some of the most innovative camps in the world. Now that previously private terrain will be open to everyone. Timberline’s Freestyle Training Center will provide access for everyone to carefully designed parks for all ability levels. Starting in mid-June 2020, individuals, teams, coaches, and camps will have access to the new Freestyle Training Center every summer. These terrain facilities will include a 22-foot Superpipe, an all-new halfpipe spine airbag, progressive jump and transition features, rail and jib features of all shapes and sizes including top-level rail features, and a brand new Boarder-X/Skier-X course with a world-cup spec start gate. Full intermediate level jump line, rail park, and tranny features. Comprehensive novice zone including jump, rail, and tranny features. Beginner hike zone for our newest park riders. Micro landing bag for learning anything from a first air to first freestyle tricks. All of this will amount to the single largest summer terrain park in Timberline history. The facility will be serviceable by multiple handle tows, giving riders quick laps and maximum time on snow. For further details, check out our Freeski and/or Snowboard camp webpages.
And for you Ski Race and Mogul campers, business as usual on the upper Palmer Snowfield!
Come join us!
August 18, 2019
Summer '19 is winding down!
We're getting near the end of an excellent summer at Mt Hood. Our last 'kids' session starts today. And the last week of August is reserved for our annual Adults-Only session. Some of our adult campers have been coming to our camp for 20+ years! Not too late to sign up. What are you waiting for?!
Come join us!
August 4, 2019
August ski camps are here!
10 weeks in the books, but plenty of ski camp left, including our annual Adults-Only session, that last week of August. Get yourself to Oregon!
Come join us!
July 21, 2019
6 more weeks!
Summer is flying by fast, but we still have 6 more weeks of on-snow fun!
Come join us!
June 30, 2019
We're having a great time up here!
July is here. On the menu this month is ski racing, moguls, freeski and snowboarding. And for dessert, some outstanding Afternoon Activities.
Come join us!
June 16, 2019
We're just getting started!
Three sessions down, 11 to go! We're just ramping up for a great summer of skiing and snowboarding.
Come join us!
May 24, 2019
Let's do this thing!
Camp starts this weekend! Arrival day is Sunday for Summer session #1. First day on snow is Monday, Memorial Day.
We're excited!
Come join us!
Check out our 2019 Camp Tee!
May 8, 2019
Are you ready for the Summer?
Are you ready for the Good Times?
No more pencils, no more books.
No more teachers dirty looks.
No more math and history,
Summer time has set us free...
Come join us!
April 9, 2019
Summer Session 1 is only 6 and a half weeks away! Everybody gets better here! It's going to be epic this summer!
We're the only camp that offers training for all types including ski racers, mogul skiers, freeskiers, snowboarders and snowboard racers—it also stands out as one of the most affordable camp options on Mt. Hood.
Also, our annual Oregon High School Spring Ski Race Camp is happening on the weekend of April 27-28. Details here.
Come join us!
March 14, 2019
As of today, Timberline has an 146" base at the lodge. That puts us well above the historical average for the date. It's going to be an epic Summer!
Get yourself to camp this summer. Reserve your spot!
Come join us!
February 5, 2019
Timberline has an 80" base at the lodge and we have 4 sessions of spring camps coming up!
Our summer dates and prices have been announced too! Summer Camps run weekly for 14 weeks starting Memorial Day and ending Labor Day weekend.
Come join us!
November 23, 2018
Timberline is getting lots of snow this weekend and we are looking forward to our winter camps in December!
Come join us!
Our 14th annual Oregon High School Winter Break Ski Race Camp is scheduled for December 22-23. This is a camp for local high school racers. No prior race experience required! Details here.
August 19, 2018
2 Weeks left! Including our 'Adults-Only' session
Yep, we are winding down for the summer, but still plenty of skiing to be had these next 2 weeks. Session 13 begins today and we wrap up the summer with our annual Adults-Only Session, August 26 - September 1. Not too late to sign up!
Come join us!
August 5, 2018
Late Summer Skiing is a thing!
Skiing in August. Who does that?! We do! After skiing, we'll take you white water rafting, or to the lake, or rockclimbing.
Our annual Adults-Only session is the last week of August.
Come join us!
July 21, 2018
8 Weeks down, 6 to go!
We're having a great time up on the Palmer Glacier!
We are already past the half way point of summer, and loving every minute of it. Not too late to sign up!
Come join us!
July 1, 2018
TERRAIN PARK JUMPS, BOXES, & RAILS...WE HAVE IT ALL! MHSSC operates it's own private park for snowboarders and freeskiers. The terrain park is shaped every day by our diggers to accommodate the campers’ individual learning goals. There are features for every level to provide a steady progression through to the week’s end. We have lots of features to pick from with a great progression for all levels. From straight airs to rail grinds, all campers will learn something new.
MOGULS? We got those too. Our half mile long mogul lane is located on the upper Palmer snowfield where you can make lap after lap. Near the bottom of the mogul course is a jump site that has multiple jumps of varying sizes to match your skills and take you to the next level.
Come join us!
June 24, 2018
Four sessions down, 10 to go! Everybody gets better here.
Come join us!
June 3, 2018
We just wrapped up session 1. It was AMAZING! Lock down your spot at camp this summer.
Come join us!
May 17, 2018
#1: Skiing/Snowboard in the summer is amazing. It's sunny and reasonably mild for roughly 80% of the days in a typical summer. You get to ski without battling the typical elements of winter.
#2: 40+ years of experience. When you come to MHSSC, you know that we've been at this a long time. We've learned from trial and error on how to provide an amazing camp experience for our campers.
#3: We are the most affordable summer ski/snowboard camp there is. We are in the BUSINESS OF MAKING BETTER SKIERS AND SNOWBOARDERS. Some of the other camps are in the business of making lots of money in a short period of time. We operate year-round, so our overhead is spread out over 12 months (as opposed to being crammed into 2 months of the summer). We aren't paying pros big bucks to fly in for one session. We've been doing this for 40+ years so we know how to do things efficiently and at lower costs.
#4 Amazing Afternoon Activities. You take away the skiing/snowboarding from MHSSC, and you still have awesome summer camp type activities to choose from. White water rafting, rockclimbing, trampoline, paintball, mountain biking, field sports, zip-line/log-walk, cliff jumping, hiking etc. .
#5: 2 big lodges/excellent meal program. Lots to do at camp with on-site trampoline, skate ramp, soccer field, basketball hoop, pool table, ping-pong, foosball, air hockey, slackline. Buffet style breakfast and dinner with tons of choices for the picky eater. Free wifi.
#6: Video review. We do a ton of video analysis as part of the coaching/teaching. We are the only camp at Mt Hood with exclusive rights to set up 4 TV/Video stations at the top of the Palmer chalirlift inside the lift terminal. So our campers get instant ON-MOUNTAN video feedback from their training. With this type of immediate visual on-hill feedback, everything is still fresh in their minds on what they need to work on for their NEXT RUN.....vs having to wait 24 hours. .
#7: We are the only camp open from Memorial Day weekend all they way until Labor Day weekend. Our campers have 14 week-long sessions to choose from. We realize people have varying schedules in the summer months, so by being open the whole summer, we have a session for you.
#8: GREAT COACHES! We hand pick our all-star staff, many of which have worked at MHSSC for several years. They are dedicated to helping our campers improve each day and get to their next skill level by the time they go home.
#9: MHSSC has something for everyone! We are the only camp that offers training for ski racers, mogul skiers, freeskiers, snowboarders and snowboard racers. Say you are a ski racer, but your best buddy is a both can come to our camp and get to do what you came for. Then hang out the rest of the day together as good friends do.
#10: FUN FUN FUN. Not only do our campers improve their on-snow skills, but the whole camp experience is just plain fun. Go check out our testimonial page to see what some of our past campers have said about their experience at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps.
During your time at camp, our coaches will help you to improve your skiing or snowboarding skills by teaching you the fundamentals and correct technique required for success. Your goals will be assessed and a safe and successful progression will be planned for you to achieve the best results. All of our coaches have strong coaching and skiing/snowboarding backgrounds and are passionate about their sport. Our coaches are here to teach you and enable you to achieve your goals. On-hill video combined with proven training progressions, allows MHSSC to maximize learning and skill acquisition.
Come join us!
Here's a sneak peek at our 2018 camp Tee!
May 8, 2018
Maximize your skills!!
During your time at camp, our coaches will help you to improve your skiing or snowboarding skills by teaching you the fundamentals and correct technique required for success. Your goals will be assessed and a safe and successful progression will be planned for you to achieve the best results. All of our coaches have strong coaching and skiing/snowboarding backgrounds and are passionate about their sport. Our coaches are here to teach you and enable you to achieve your goals. On-hill video combined with proven training progressions, allows MHSSC to maximize learning and skill acquisition.
Come join us!
April 27, 2018
We have something for everyone!!
MHSSC has something for everyone! We are the only camp that offers training for ski racers, mogul skiers, freeskiers, snowboarders and snowboard racers. Say you are a ski racer, but your best buddy is a both can come to our camp and get to do what you came for. Then hang out the rest of the day together as good friends do.
The snowpack is excellent. Timberline is reporting a 154" base, with much more piled up on the Palmer Snowfield.
Still time to sign up for our annual 2-day Oregon High School Spring Ski Race Camp for local high school racers the weekend of May 5-6, 2018. Details here.
Come join us!
Reliable Racing is our new Official Partner!
April 17, 2018
Memorial Day to Labor Day!!
There are other resorts out there that have late seasons, but they don't generally make it to July and August. This is THE place to come for on-snow training in the summer. Those American ski and snowboard athletes you watch in the X-games and Winter Olympics? Almost all of them have spent time developing their skills on the slopes of Mt Hood in the summer months. With two express quad chairs and 2500' vertical, you have the opportunity to get in a lot of quality training in a short period of time. We also just added a 2-day Oregon High School Ski Race Camp for local high school racers the weekend of May 5-6, 2018. Details here.
Come join us!
April 5, 2018
Improve YOUR skills!!
We are in the business of MAKING BETTER SKIERS AND SNOWBOARDERS. It's what we do. 40+ years we've been at this. Our staff are dedicated to helping our campers improve each day and get to their next skill level by the time they go home. We are the only camp that offers training for ski racers, mogul skiers, freeskiers, snowboarders and snowboard racers.
Spring Camp session 2 begins this Sunday!
Come join us!
March 29, 2018
Inching closer to Summer!!
Timberline is reporting a 151" base, with much more accumulation up on the Palmer Glacier. According to, Timberline is #2 on their list of "Top 10 Biggest Snowfall Totals In North America". When you come to our camp, you're learning from some of the best coaches around. Never raced before? Never slid a rail? Never been Rock Climbing? We got that covered too!
Come join us!
March 20, 2018
Summer + Skiing + YOU = Fun!!
Want to improve your skills? Come join us this summer at Mt Hood! Everybody gets better here! This is the perfect place to maximize your skill development with our outstanding coaching, daily video analysis and fun afternoon actitivies.
Come join us!
March 14, 2018
It's Sign-Up Season!!
T-minus 74 days between today and Summer Session 1! It's time to sign up for camp! Register early to get your preferred session. If you've been following the snowpack totals in the Pacific Northwest, you'll know that Timberline has had a lot of it the last month or so. And to maximize the snow on the Palmer snowfield, the Timberline groomers have been hard at work "snow farming". Check out the snow farming video below.
Come join us!
February 23, 2018
As the Winter Olympics begin to wind down, we are excited to take that Olympic excitement to our upcoming Summer Ski and Snowboard Camps. We had 3 former campers compete in PyeongChang, including Ted Ligety, who finished 5th in the Super-Combined and 15th in the GS. Jaelin Kauf competed in Women's Moguls. She was the top American finisher, coming in 7th and is currently leading the mogul world cup standings. She was a mogul camper with us in 2008 (age 11). And Vic Wild, the defending Gold Medalist in Men's Parallel GS snowboard, last check, had qualified for the Quarterfinals (top 16) in his event in PyeongChang.
Here in the Pacific Northwest, it's been dumping! Check out the pics below.
Come join us!
Olympic Mogul skier, Jaelin Kauf, here at camp back in 2008, age 11.
February 5, 2018
Every 4 years, we get to sit back and enjoy the Winter Olympics. The American's are bringing a strong team to South Korea and will hopefully bring home some medals. Ted ligety got third in his last world cup. Lindsey Vonn won her last two world cups. Mikaela Shiffrin is leading the world cup.
Meanwhile, here in Oregon, the snow on Palmer looks great.
We have some Spring Camps coming up, starting next month.
Spring Session 1: March 18 - 24
Spring Session 2: April 8 - 14
Spring Session 3: April 15 - 21
Spring Session 4: May 13 - 19
Come join us!
December 13, 2017
We just wrapped up Winter Session 1 and are looking forward to Winter Sessions 2 and 3. Not too late to sign up.
Winter Session 2: December
15 - 19
Winter Session 3: December 26 - Jan. 2
We also have our 13th annual Oregon High School Ski Race Camp for local HS racers, December 21-22. Details here.
Come join us!
September 22, 2017
When our final summer session came to an end 3 weeks ago, there was still LOTS of snow left on the Palmer Glacier. And as you can see in the photos below, early signs of winter are here. Timberline received 18" of new snow at Lodge elevation in the last 3 days. We have three Fall Camps scheduled in October and November including our annual Thanksgiving week camp. Come join us!
July 13, 2017
We are always having a blast up on Palmer Glacier!
One of our campers in the mogul lane!
Video review is essential to success on hill.
Jumps for every skill level!
Join us in our last 7 sessions!
June 16, 2017
May 28, 2017
The time has finally arrived. Time to get back on snow and do our thing. We're excited for an amazing summer. Come join us!
May 13, 2017
Two weeks until summer session #1
Picture taken at the start of Spring Camp 4
From the top of Lane 5 you can ski for over 2 miles nonstop
Palmer has been running for two weeks but they are only starting to dig out mid-station.
Notice the top of the lift shack in the lower left.
May 5, 2017
Lock in your spot to train with us
This Summer!!
Healthy snow levels are visible way down the mountain
Blossom Fest was two weeks ago
Finally we are at peak bloom!
April 28, 2017
Fresh snow in abundance!!
This is what 204" of base looks like!
Winter still has a strong grip on the Northwest
Orchards in the Hood River Valley have finally begun to blossom
Above is this week and below is last week.
April 10, 2017
Inching closer to Summer
When you come to Mt Hood by car using I-84 and turn south on Highway 35, this is
your view of Mt Hood
Down in the valley it is spring on Easter weekend
April 4, 2017
Get ready for some fun this summer!!
The trick is to find the Lift Terminal before
summer can start
So Much Snow!
Timberline is reporting a 175 inch base at the 6,200 elevation (Lodge elevation), with
MUCH MORE accumulation up on Palmer.
March 26, 2017
Get ready for some fun the Summer!
175 inches with more on the way!
Spring Camps
We had an excellent Spring Session 1 with a mix of racers and freeskiers. We have 3 more spring sessions to go:
Spring Session 2: April 2 - 8
Spring Session 3: April 9 - 15
Spring Session 4: May 8 - 12
Oregon Spring High School Camp April 22-23
In addition to our normal spring camps, we've added in a 2-day weekend spring ski race camp for local Oregonians. Approximately 60 high schools in the State of Oregon have alpine ski race teams and we love to offer them a chance to bash gates and further their skills in a relaxed atmosphere. More info here.
Timberline is reporting a 175 inch base at the 6,200 elevation (Lodge elevation), with MUCH MORE accumulation up on Palmer.
February 26, 2017
Timberline is reporting 34.59 to 53.46 FEET of snow on the Palmer Glacier as of February 22, 2017. What does this mean? It means this summer is going to be outstanding!! And spring camps will be amazing too. The top of Palmer chairlift terminal is buried!
January 17, 2017
Timberline is reporting 28.68 Feet of snow at the top of Palmer. And that was measured back on December 26. It has snowed like crazy since then. Even Portland is getting into the act with 11.8 inches of snow measured downtown a few days ago.
We had a great time at our winter camps. On the final day of winter session 3, the ski racers and the freeskiers all grouped together and we went powder skiing with camp director Mike Annett. It was absolutely EPIC!
We have 4 Spring camps coming up:
Session 1: March 12-18
Session 2: April 2-8
Session 3: April 9-15
Session 4: May 7-13
Here are a few images from our winter camps.
Follow us on INSTAGRAM!!
Camp Registration here.
December 5, 2016
The snow is accumulating, winter is here, we are excited for some winter camps! Timberline has received 11 inches of new snow in the last 24 hours, 23" in the last 72 hours and now has a 56" base! Lots more in the forecast this week too. This is a good thing!
We have 3 winter camps coming up:
Session 1: December
9 - 13
Session 2: December
16 - 20
Session 3: December 26 - Jan. 2
We also have our 12th annual Oregon High School Ski Race Camp for local HS racers, December 19-21. Details here.
Follow us on INSTAGRAM!!
Camp Registration here.
August 25, 2016
Adults Only Camp to wrap up our summer.
Yep, it's our annual adults only session coming up soon, August 28 - September 3. And it's NOT too late to sign up. The snowpack is excellent, liftlines are nonexistent and we are ready for an excellent week with the adults.
Ski racing, moguls, or snowboarding......we have a coach for you! Come join us!
Reserve YOUR spot!
August 14, 2016
3 Sessions Left!
Session 12 August 14-20
Session 13 August 21 - 27
Adults Only Session August 28 - September 3
Reserve YOUR spot!
Follow us on INSTAGRAM!!
Camp Registration here.
July 24, 2016
8 Sessions down, 6 to go!
Great skiing conditions, short lift lines. We're lovin' life up here. Not too late to sign up.
Reserve YOUR spot!
Follow us on INSTAGRAM!!
Camp Registration here.
July 10, 2016
Camp is Awesome!
We're not even half way done yet! We're having a ball up here at Mt Hood, Oregon! Come join the fun. 8 more weeks of camps are in our future.
And follow us on INSTAGRAM!! And FACEBOOK too!
Reserve YOUR spot!
June 26, 2016
We love this place!
Time flies when we are having fun! 4 weeks done already. 10 more to go. Still lots of skiing and snowboarding to be had here at beautiful Mt Hood, Oregon. We've had about a half dozen SNOW storms roll thru the region since camp began Memorial Day Weekend. Winter doesn't want to let go quite yet! We're having tons of fun and we look forward to the rest of the summer. Get yourself here!
Lifts were closed on Friday, but that didn't stop us! We set up a 10 gate GS course for the racers, while the terrain park peeps sessioned some jumps and a rail near the borrom of the public terrain park in the magic mile canyon. Quite the adventure of a day.
World Cup legend, Ted Ligety, (a former MHSSC camper at age 10) did an autograph/photo session in Government Camp on Friday afternoon in Government Camp. Below you'll see a photo of Ted with Keegan Hoose from the Peninsula Alpine Racing program in Michigan. We get lots of racers from that program over the years.
Reserve YOUR spot!
June 12, 2016
Camp is already super awesome 2 weeks in
2 Sessions down, 12 to go. It's been great so far. The fun has just begun. Come join us!
Wanted to share a couple of testimonials from these past 2 weeks from our facebook page:
From "Jay Di" (session 1 adult camper): I have been to other camps but this one is super special. Simple, friendly, coaches are great and they care for their students. You have fun, learn, meet awesome people, have a great time and want to come back again. I know i will and do reccomend the camp 100% This camp is great for both adults and kids and scenery is amazing!!!
From Shannon (parent of mogul kid from session 2): Thank for making my son Colins week amazing! His first time there and can't wait to come back.
Reserve YOUR spot!
Camp Registration here.
May 27, 2016
Summer is HERE!
Session 1 begins this Memorial Day weekend! We're ready, You're ready. Let's do this!
Reserve YOUR spot!
Check out our on-campus zip-line and log-walk!
Camp Registration here.
May 12, 2016
Summer is ever so close to happening!
Two and a half weeks and we'll be into session 1. So very exciting! Signups are pouring in. The snowpack is excellent on Palmer. Snowboard coach Rick Millett is busy rebuilding our terrain park. Things are happening!
Shredhood did a great write-up on Camp Director, Mike Annett. It covers the history of camp, how it all started back in 1978. Check it out here.
Reserve YOUR spot!
Check out our new 2016 camp t-shirt design!
April 29, 2016
Palmer is officially open for the Summer!
Timberline groomers dug out the top of the buried Palmer lift terminal in mid-April, loaded the chairs and fired up the lift for spring skiers and snowboarders. That's over 3,000 vertical feet of skiing offered right now from the top of Palmer to the bottom of Stormin' Norman chairlift. Tons of snow up there. Can't wait to get going this summer. What are you waiting for?
Reserve YOUR spot!
Our annual Oregon High School Spring Ski Race Camp is scheduled for May 14-15 This is a camp for local junior high and high school racers and wanna be racers. Details here.
April 16, 2016
FREE Session winner announced!
Drumroll please......the winner of the 2016 Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps FREE SESSION goes to Drew Gray. Congratulations Drew! You have 72 hours to claim your free session.
Our two April Spring camp sessions were an amazing success! We just wrapped up spring session 2 yesterday with 14 inches of new snow overnight at Timberline Lodge and a bluebird day! We have one final 2-day Oregon High School Spring Ski Race Camp scheduled for May 14-15 before we ramp up for summer camps. Details here.
Reserve YOUR spot!
Camp Registration here.
April 12, 2016
Skiing in the summer is a thing
Snowboarding in the summer is a thing too! On real snow. With real coaches and really excellent afternoon activities to boot. Real! Come here, improve your skills, have a great time, make some new friends.
Reserve YOUR spot!
Attention Oregon High School Racers. We are hosting a 2-day weekend spring ski race camp on May 14-15, 2016. Details here.
April 15 is the deadline to enter our annual drawing for a free session.
April 4, 2016
Summer is approaching fast!
And we can't wait!! But spring is here now and today is day 1 of spring session 1. Snow is in the air. Should be excellent conditions. As of March 29, 2016, the snow depth at the top of Palmer was measured at 28.21 feet! And out on beans lane (roughly lane 15 on upper palmer snowfield) it was measured at 37.37 feet! What does this mean? It means summer is going to be amazing! Get yourself to camp. Reserve YOUR spot!
Webcam at Timberline Lodge, April 4, 2016!!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps supports the national anti-bullying campaign. We currently have this ad running in a some markets in the U.S.
April 15 is the deadline to enter our annual drawing for a free session.
March 20, 2016
Insane snowpack, camper testimonials and a new coach
A picture is worth a thousand words. Check out the top of the Palmer Chairlift! The top terminal is completely buried! We keep getting calls from peeps on the east coast asking us if we have any snow. The answer is a resounding YES! We are going to have an epic summer. Signups are rolling in. Reserve YOUR spot!
We sat down with 34 campers last summer to get their take on their camp experience. Take a look! And please share this video with your friends that are considering a trip to Mt Hood.
Garth Hager joins Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps mogul program.
Recently retired from the US Freestyle Ski Team as Head Moguls Coach, Garth Joins MHSSC in the summers to assist North American Club Programs with their training at Mt Hood. Hager was a nine-year World Cup mogul athlete where he was a three-time World Championship team member and a World Cup winner. 11 years coaching with the US Freestyle Team, 2010 and 2014 Olympic coach. 2x USSA International coach of the year award. Garth Joins Darren Owen, a perennial Mt Hood favorite, in offering the best summer mogul training in North America.
April 15 is the deadline to enter our annual drawing for a free session.
March 11, 2016
414" of snow has fallen on Mt Hood since September 1
That's 34 and a half feet! And that is measured at Timberline Lodge, elevation 6,200'. So much more at the higher elevations where summer skiing/snowboarding takes place. We're excited for an amazing summer!! Come join us!
Ths weeks' forecast has snow written all over it!
March 1, 2016
5th Annual drawing for a FREE Session at Camp!!
That's right! Some lucky person out there will win a FREE summer session at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps this coming summer 2016. Will it be you? The deadline to enter is April 15, 2016 @ 12 noon pacific time. The rest of the rules and details can be found here.
There's tons of snow at Mt Hood this winter, especially up on Palmer. We are looking forward to a fabulous summer camp season. Come join us!Camp Registration here.
February 11, 2016
30+ FEET of snowfall since September 1!!
Come join us this summer! It's going to be spectatular.
Camp Registration here.
January 28, 2016
Spring Camp Sessions are coming up in April.
Spring Camp Dates:
SESSION 1 April 3-9
SESSION 2 April 10-16
Camp Registration here.
December 12, 2015
Winter Camp Sessions start up soon. Tomorrow will be the first day on snow for our session 1 campers.
Winter Camp Dates:
SESSION 1 December 12-16
SESSION 2 December 18-22
SESSION 3 December 26-January 2
We are also hosting our 11th annual 3-day camp for local Oregon High School Ski Racers, December 21-23. Info here.
Camp Registration here.
Happy Holidays to all!
September 11, 2015
We wanted to give a big THANK YOU to all of you that participated at camp this past summer! Without you guys, we cannot exist.
We are already looking forward to our Fall, Winter, Spring and next Summer ski & snowboard camps! Summer 2016 Dates and Prices have already been posted on our website.
Not too late to order your Video or Photos from Summer '15!
June 14, 2015
Why aren't you here?!
Camp is rolling on and the only thing missing is YOU! We have space available in all our sessions. Come join us for some fun on the snow!
June 6, 2015
Yes, there really is snow here!!
Two sessions down, many more to go! Come ski or snowboard with us this summer on the Palmer Glacier. Below are a few images from the first couple weeks of camp.
May 22, 2015
Session 1 starts this weekend!!
We're fired up. Palmer has snow. The staff is ready. The campers are on their way. Let's do this!!
May 13, 2015
Come Shred with us!
May 6, 2015
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps session 1 begins in 18 days!
Here's what a handful of our campers have said about our their camp experience
More camper testimonials here.
April 16, 2015
The snow has continued to pile up! We'll let our photos help tell the story.
Congratulations to Beau Thompson for winning our annual drawing for a FREE Session at camp! Beau is an 11 year old skier from Pennsylvania.
April 12, 2015
Mother Nature has been doing it's part this April! NINE snow storms have rolled thru Mt Hood since the beginning of the month. White gold! While it's been a below average snowpack at the lower elevations of Mt Hood this year, the story is quite different up on the Palmer snowfield (elevation 8,540 feet), where our camp operates in the summer. The precipitation that fell this year has been reported at 90% of normal for the Pacific Northwest region, but what hurt the lower elevations as far as snowpack, were the warmer temperatures. Many times, when it was raining at 4,000 - 5,000 feet this winter, it was dumping snow at 7,000 - 8,500 feet. This is the part that many media outlets have not quite told the whole story. The media outlets are more interested in reporting about low river levels and how they effect hydroelectric dams, agriculture concerns and people watering their lawn. While those are important things, it doesn't help explain that there's still plenty of snow where our camp takes place!
And don't just take our word for it. We've been posting videos and photos in our newsletters and on our facebook page in recent weeks that help you see for yourself, the snowpack up on Palmer and get a first hand view of the snow farming that has been going on for months to maximize the snowpack for our upcoming summer season. We are looking forward to an excellent summer of Ski and Snowboard training at camp.
More Snow on the way!!
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps April 5, 2015 Newsletter
Mt Hood continues to get new snow. And the Timberline groomers continue their snow farming efforts to maximize the snowpack up on Palmer. Below is part II video explaining a little bit more about snow farming, this time thru the eyes of our head snowboard coach, Rick Millett. Take a look! Keep in mind that this video was filmed in late March, and the mountain has received quite a bit of new snow since then....with more in the forecast!
Timberline posted this photo on their facebook page
Our 4th annual drawing for a FREE SESSION is open for business! For more info and how to enter, go here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps March 29, 2015 Newsletter
Timberline continues their snow farming efforts with excellent results. What the heck is snow farming? The primary snow farming technique the Timberline groomers have been employing this winter/spring is to dig vertical trenches across the entire Palmer snowfield. From a distance, it looks like a bunch of lines going down the hill. These vertical trenches are designed to capture the snow as storms blow across the mountan from the west. The snow fill up little trenches, then the groomers pack that down and will then dig a new set of vertical trenches to repeat the process for future incoming storms. The most recent storm from earlier this week dropped about a foot of new snow at the base of the ski area, but the snow farming that was done on Palmer turned that same foot of snow into about 4 feet. It works!
We took a trip up to Palmer a couple days ago to get an up close view of the snow farming. Take a look at our video so you can see it for yourself. Although the snowpack is lacking at the lower elevations on Mt Hood this winter, the snowpack on Palmer (elevation 8,540 at the top) where we have our summer camps, is solid.
A special High School Ski Race Camp has been added to the menu for Oregonian high school racers on May 2 - 3, 2015. Click here for details.
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps March 9, 2015 Newsletter
Snow depths have been below average this year, but long range forecasts are predicting lots of Spring snow. Below are some pictures to illustrate Timberline's snowcat grooming efforts in snow farming to ensure we collect every snow flake and have a great summer.
Our 4th annual drawing for a FREE SESSION is open for business! For more info and how to enter, go here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps March 2, 2015 Newsletter
Summer Camp is right around the corner. Sign up here.
Mt Hood is one of the 7 Wonders of Oregon. Check out this amazing video produced by Travel Oregon.
Staffer, Jackie Guy, took this photo a couple days ago.
Our 4th annual drawing for a FREE SESSION is open for business! For more info and how to enter, go here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps February 19, 2015 Newsletter
Another awesome summer is right around the corner! Sign up here.
Congrats to former MHSSC camper Ted Ligety, for his GOLD MEDAL in the Giant Slalom at the Alpine World Championships in Colorado! AWESOME!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps is giving a way a FREE Session this summer. Details here.
Our 4th annual drawing for a FREE SESSION is open for business! For more info and how to enter, go here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps February 12, 2015 Newsletter
What are you doing this summer? Don't miss your opportunity to Ski or Ride with us on the Palmer Glacier!
What are you waiting for? Sign up today!
Our 4th annual drawing for a FREE SESSION is open for business! For more info and how to enter, go here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps January 27, 2015 Newsletter
Our 4th annual drawing for a FREE SESSION is open for business! One lucky person will be randomly picked to receive a free 2015 Summer Session. Our drawing takes place on April 15, 2015. For rules & regulations and how to enter, go here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps January 21, 2015 Newsletter
Our countdown to summer has started! Progress your skiing or snowboarding
this Summer at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps. We are committed to helping each individual improve their skills with our amazing facilities and coaching staff.
We also have 2 Spring sessions coming up:
Spring Session 1: April 5 - 11, 2015
Spring Session 2: April 12 - 18, 2015
And finally, our 4th annual drawing for a FREE Summer 2015 session is coming up soon. More information about the drawing will be coming up in our next camp newsletter and posted on our Facebook page.
We road tripped to Mt Bachelor for a day during Winter Camp session 2! It was awesome!
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps November 10, 2014 Newsletter
Our annual Thanksgiving camp is coming up soon: November 22-28. It's not too late to sign up for that week.
We also have 3 Winter sessions coming up:
Winter Session 1: December 12-16, 2014
Winter Session 2: December 19-23, 2014
Winter Session 3: December 26-31, 2014
And finally, our 10th annual Oregon High School ski race camp takes place Dec. 20-22, 2014. Details here.
Come join us this winter. Sign up NOW!!
Below are a few pics from Fall Session 2
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps August 23, 2014 Newsletter
It's mid August, there's still tons of snow. What's missing? YOU!!
We just finished up session 12. We have one more "kids" session that starts today, then our annual "Adults Only" Session runs from August 24 - 30. If you are 18+ and want to improve your skiing/snowboard skills, then this is YOUR week! Absolutely not too late to sign up! What are you waiting for? Ski racing, moguls, terrain park freeskiing, or snowboarding......we have a coach for you!
Come join us before it's over. Sign up NOW!!
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps July 27, 2014 Newsletter
Nine sessions down, Five to go. Not too late to sign up! We've having a great summer. Still tons of snow on Palmer. featured Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps in an on-line article last week. Check it out here!
Come join us this summer. Sign up NOW!!
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps June 14, 2014 Newsletter
We are off to a great start to our summer! Three sessions are in the books, 11 to go. We've had a great group of kids and adults already. Our private terrain park is in full operation. Our race lanes and mogul lane/table-top jump are dialed in. The only question to ask is: "What are YOU doing this summer?"
Check out what some of our campers have said about our camp here.
We have a new camp photographer and can view/purchase photos here. And/Or if you'd rather order a video of your training runs, click here.
Come join us this summer. Sign up NOW!!
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps May 23, 2014 Newsletter
Session 1 starts Memorial Day weekend. We can't wait! Get your butts to Mt Hood this summer! What are you waiting for!?
Sign up NOW!!
Check out the new camp t-shirt design!
Mt Hood Summer Ski
Camps May 7, 2014 Newsletter
Session 1 is two and a half weeks away. The snowpack is great. Our staff is excited to get going again.
Sign up NOW!!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 15, 2014 Newsletter
Winner of the FREE SESSION announced today!
The winner of the free 2014 summer session is Brent Norris. Congratulations Brent! Brent wrote this in his acceptance email: "I snowboard and I'm excited to come out and check out your park!"
From Logan Stewart at Timberline Lodge: "Here are some before and after shots at the top of palmer. We have done this complete dig out 3 times so far this spring".
Attention Oregon High School Ski Racers: We are doing a 2-day weekend race camp at Timberline on May 3-4, 2014. Details here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 9, 2014 Newsletter
Near record precipitation in March!
The Portland TV news stations were reporting that this area had the 3rd wettest month of March in recorded history. What does that mean for summer skiing? It means there's lots of snow on Mt Hood and it's going to be awesome! Check out these photos we took yesterday. While ski resorts around the country are celebrating their closing days, Mt Hood is just ramping up!
Drawing for a FREE SESSION at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps!
The drawing itself will take place on April 15, 2014, less than 1 week away!! Enter HEREMt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 22, 2014 Newsletter
Last August, Oregon Public Broadcasting TV station, brought a video crew up to Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps to shoot footage for a story on summer ski camps. The program premiered 2 nights ago, here in Oregon. In case you missed it, you can watch it here.
The Palmer Chairlift opened today for Spring Skiing.
Looks great up there! *photo credit to staffers Jackie Guy and Sean Mailey
Drawing for a FREE SESSION at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps!
The drawing itself will take place on April 15, 2014, less than 1 month away!! Enter HERE
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 16, 2014 Newsletter
Snowpack continues to grow!
Pictures tell the words. The two photos below were supplied by Timberline's Logan Stewart.We have 2 Spring Camp sessions coming up in April and it's not too late to sign up:
Spring Session 1: April 13-19
Spring Session 2: April 20-26
Drawing for a FREE SESSION at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps!
The drawing itself will take place on April 15, 2014, less than 1 month away!! Enter HERE
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 20, 2014 Newsletter
Sochi Winter Olympics MHSSC Update
Congrats to MHSSC alum Ted Ligety for his Gold Medal in the Men's Giant Slalom yesterday!! This is the first time an American has won the Men's Giant Slalom in Olympic History. Way to go Ted Shred! And congratulations to Vic Wild for his Gold Medal performance in the Men's Snowboard Parallel Giant Slalom! Vic grew up in nearby White Salmon, Washington and was a 2-time Snowboard-Race camper with us in 1996-97. Eric Baldwin was his coach at camp back then and remembers Vic as "just a little ripper". Vic also returned to Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps as a coach in 2011. Minutes apart, Vic's wife won the Olympic Bronze medal in the same event! Read more about Vic Wild's unconventional path to Olympic success here.
That's Ted (age 9), 3rd from the left, in a group shot in 1994. Coach Kevin McDevitt (the tall guy in the back).
Mt Hood continues to get hammered with new snow. 21 inches new in the last 24 hours, 47 nches in the last 72 hours!!! 136" base at the 6,200 lodge elevation, lots more up on Palmer.
Drawing for a FREE SESSION this coming summer at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps!
The drawing itself will take place on April 15, 2014, so be sure to enter before then. Enter HERE
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 16, 2014 Newsletter
Sochi Winter Olympics MHSSC Update
Congrats to MHSSC alum Julia Mancuso for her bronze medal in the Women's Super-Combined event during week one of the Olympic Games! In Men's Moguls, Patrick Deneen finished 6th. And in Women's moguls, Eliza Outtrim also finished in 6th place for team USA. Eliza has spent time at MHSSC with Stratton Freestyle team camp, coaching and training. Vic Wild will be competing in the Men's Parallel Giant Slalom snowboard race event on February 22. Vic was a camper with us back in 1996-1997 when he was 9-10 years old and later returned to coach with us a few years back. And finally, Ted Ligety is a medal favorite in Men's Giant Slalom, coming up on February 19. Enjoy the games!
Timberline Lodge has received 41 inches of new snow in the last 72 hours, with more in the forecast!
Drawing for a FREE SESSION at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps!
The drawing itself will take place on April 15, 2014, so be sure to enter before then. Enter HERE
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 3, 2014 Newsletter
DRAWING for a FREE SESSION @ Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps!!
It's time for another drawing for a free session for this upcoming summer. (3rd annual). Are you feeling lucky? Go to our website and enter your name and email address to be included in the drawing. The drawing itself will take place on April 15, 2014, so be sure to enter before then.
Enter HERE
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps January 26, 2014 Newsletter
We finally gave our website a much needed makeover. It's still a work in progress, but you can see what we've done so far. We've added several new pages and improved the navitation so people can find where they need to go much easier than before. Tons of new photos too.
The Winter Olympics in Sochi are coming up next month. Who will YOU be rooting for? As far as we know, we'll have at least 3 former MHSSC campers competing in the games: Ted Ligety and Julia Mancuso in alpine ski racing, and Patrick Deneen in the freestyle moguls. Good luck all!! *that's Patrick Deneen, 2nd from the left, at one of our camp picnics.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps December 7, 2013 Newsletter
It's FREEZING COLD here at Mt Hood. 3 degrees Fahrenheit, last check of the Timberline Lodge ski report. Cold temps equals dry powder skiing for those that are braving the cold today. The photo below taken from the top of the Magic Mile chairlift today, courtesy of MHSSC coach Sean Mailey.
Coming up soon are our Winter camps including our 9th annual Oregon High School Ski Race Camp, December 21-23, 2013. More info here. Check the website for all of our Winter, Spring and Summer session dates and prices.
Our camp website. Yeah, we know it needs a major overhaul! We are in the process of giving "" a big-time makeover, but we want to hear YOUR ideas. What should we include in our new website? Color scheme suggestions? Better navigation? More bells and whistles? Send your suggestions here.
*Not too late to order your 2013 Summer training DVD video. Details here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps September 17, 2013 Newsletter
Another Summer in the books and we just wanted to say "Thank you" for joining us this summer!! Without you guys, we couldn't exist. 35 summers of awesomeness! Coming up next are our Fall and Winter camps including our annual Thanksgiving week camp, November 23 - 29, 2013. Check the website for the other session dates and prices. Enjoy the Fall colors and get ready for a spectacular winter season.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps August 17, 2013 Newsletter
2 Sessions to go!
It's been an amazing summer thus far, but we still have 2 more fun-filled sessions to wrap up our Summer 2013 season. This coming week is our final "kid" session. Then we finish up with our annual "Adults-Only" session (August 25-31) We wanted to make sure people knew that it's NOT TOO LATE to sign up! The snowpack is in great condition. What are you waiting for??Below are a few photos from last summers' Adults-Only session. The adults have a great time here!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps July 20, 2013 Newsletter
6 Weeks left to play @MT HOOD!!
We just wrapped up session 8. Six more sessions to go. Not too late to sign up!Here's what one of our campers said of her two sessions at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps:
Dear Mike,
I just got back home from camp, and even though I was worn out from my great
training, I wish that I was still at MHSSC!!! It's amazing how much camp can
feel like home, but I never understood that until coming to Mt. Hood.
Everything is part of a community, and when people ask me what I did over
the summer, all I will be talking about is Mt. Hood Summer Ski Camps.
Here are the top 5 greatest things about MHSSC:
5. The Food- I always thought that camp food was junky, but MHSSC really
knows what they are doing. The food is great!
4. The Location- For skiers and snowboarders in the US, being able to come
to Mt. Hood is beyond amazing. And a plus--it's in the summer!!! Oregon is
great because you can ski until 12:30, and when you come down, you can go
windsurfing, whitewater rafting, rock climbing, cliff jumping, zip lining,
and so much more cool stuff! I love that!
3. The Coaches and the Counselors- Are now my favorite people on Earth.
Besides knowing everything about safety, they are there to make you feel
like you are at home, and they definitely know how to! Everyone gets
homesick when they go to camp, and the counselors know about that. They're
awesome. The coaches have enthusiasm and excitement, which gets you pepped
up on a slow day. They give great advice, and video analysis is the best! I
bought my videos to take home so that I can show my parents how much I
improved! Thank you coaches and counselors!
2. The Lodge / Campers- The lodge is super awesome, because you can do so
much. There are tightropes, unicycles, a trampoline, a GaGa pit, a tuning
station, a pool table, and so much more to name. Everyone hangs out after
skiing, and the rooms are so fun to just sit around in. I love MHSSC!
1. The Community and the People- I cannot say enough how incredible MHSSC
is, even though this is the theme of the last two. Everybody is there to
have a great time and improve, and I know so many more people now who have
great motivation and skill. The lodge is great, because everywhere you go
you can talk to someone. The GaGa Ball pit. I am definitely building one
because that game is so much fun, and nobody gets upset or angry like other
games, and everyone has a chance to win! The trampoline is so helpful to
freestylers, but also a fun place for racers! When you hear the encouraging,
"Take it to snow!" or "Try a front flip this time," you can understand the
kind of people who come to Mt. Hood. Everyone is there to help you, and
relationships last a lifetime.
Anyway, this was all to say I had the best time at MHSSC. Thank you so much
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 22, 2013 Newsletter
Time get back into our summer ski camp groove! We're all excited. The campers are excited. The staff is excited. Mike, the camp director, is excited. Only a few more days. Let's do this!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 2, 2013 Newsletter
Session 1 is just around the corner. The snowpack is excellent. Our staff is gearing up for another amazing summer here in Oregon.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 21, 2013 Newsletter
FREE SESSION Winner Announced!!
Today, we used "" to pick our winner of the Free Session. And our winner is Zoe W. from Michigan! Congratulations Zoe! We'll see you this summer!
Session 1 is only 5 weeks away! We have space available in all of our summer sessions. Sign up HERE.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 14, 2013 Newsletter
Afternoon Activities!!
Our afternoon activities are absolutely amazing. When we finish our day on the mountain, the fun and adventure continues...
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 3, 2013 Newsletter
Summer Session 1 is only 54 days away!
We are hoping you are all enjoying some fun Spring Break activities. Here at Mt Hood, Spring ski & snowboard camps are in session and we are gearing up for another amazing summer up on the Palmer Glacier.
A few camper testimonials:
I LOVE MHSSC! i had the best time ever when i went last year! I cannot wait till this year!! :D ~Adair P.
Chloe would like you to know she had a great time at ski camp and learned alot. I would like to thank all the staff at Mt. Hood Summer Ski Camp for doing such a great job. You all made her first experience of sleep away camp and ski race camp wonderful. Thank you!! ~Bonnie D.
Dear Mike and Lynne, I would like to thank you both for a great two weeks spent at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps. The coaching was of the highest class and I felt like the staff was interested in my career as a racer. Thanks again, ~Christen B.
Kai had the best time! He said on a scale of 1-10 it was a 12! He made some great friends! Thanks for providing such a great experience for him! Memories for a lifetime! Cheers ~Karyn K.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 23, 2013 Newsletter
Spring Session Time!!
Spring Session 1 begins this weekend. Conditions are ideal. The first day of Spring dropped over a foot of fresh snow at Timberline Lodge as you can see in the photo below. Timberline is reporting a 164 inch base.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 17, 2013 Newsletter
Drawing for a FREE SESSION!!

Like last year, we are doing another drawing for a free summer session. For all the details and entry page click here.
Timberline Lodge is reporting a 124" base, which is about average for this time of year. We have Spring Camps coming up next month and we look forward to an amazing Summer too!
4 new camp videos!
Ski Race Camp promo here
Adult Ski Race Camp promo here
Adult Mogul Camp promo here
Afternoon Activities promo here
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps December 7, 2012 Newsletter
Winter Camps coming up!!
Just wrapped up our 3 Fall Sessions, including our annual Thanksgiving week camp. We had campers from Washington, Ohio, Canada, California, New York, and Pennsylvania. Great group of kids and adults! Camp Director Mike and wife Lynne, cooked up a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner to wrap up the week.Winter camp session 1 started today.
Winter Session 2: December 13-17
Winter Session 3: December 26-31
Not too late to sign up! Details here.
We also have our 8th annual Oregon High School Ski Camp: January 2, 3 and 4. This is open to any high school ski racers from Oregon or SW Washington. Although this camp is set up for high school racers, we also accept middle schoolers and college racers too.
Details here.
3 new camp videos!
Snowboard promo video here
Mogul promo video here
Mogul music video here
The snowpack is coming along nicely. Timberline Lodge is reporting a 53 inch base, 7 of which fell in the last 24 hours. Enjoy a few photos from Thanksgiving Camp below.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps August 19, 2012 Newsletter
It's been a fabulous summer so far...but it aint over!!
Just wrapped up session 12. The snowpack is in great condition. No rocks poking up in our training lanes. 2 more sessions to go, including the annual "adults only" session (August 26-September 1) to wrap up our summer. Absolutely not too late to sign up! What are you waiting for?
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps July 31, 2012 Newsletter
It's not too late to sign up! Two months down, 1 to go. The snowpack is impressive. Lift lines are short. The training is great. Come join us! What are you waiting for? Enjoy some photos from the last couple of weeks...
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps July 7, 2012 Newsletter
Get yourself to Mt Hood! What are you waiting for? We just wrapped up session 6 and we have 8 more sessions to go. We've had cooler than normal weather the first third of the summer, which has helped keep the snowpack in amazing shape. We've had campers come to camp this summer from Australia, Norway, Russia, and our neighbors to the north, Canada. Enjoy some photos from the last few sessions...
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps June 9, 2012 Newsletter
2 Sessions down, 12 to go!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps is off to an excellent start. We experienced every type of weather these first couple of weeks. As you can see in some of the photos below, the snowpack is plentiful. We'd love to have you come join us this summer.
*Heather, from Australia, left us this nice note after her camp experience:
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 27, 2012 Newsletter
It's finally here!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps begins its 34th summer of operation today. We're excited! The campers are excited! The mountain is stocked full of snow. Let's do this...
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 17, 2012 Newsletter
Anxiously waiting...

Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 27, 2012 Newsletter
WE CAN'T WAIT! Timberline received 9 inches of new snow in the last 24 hours, adding to the already excellent snowpack on Mt Hood.The winner of our drawing for free round-trip airfare to camp is Nicole W. from New York, NY. Congratulations Nicole! Upon hearing the news, Nicole's mom said "Wow, that is so awesome!" Nicole is a ski racer, and she's coming to camp session 6.
Timberline finally opened up the Palmer chairlift for spring skiers a few days ago. The photos below were taken a few days beforehand.
Here's snowboard coach, Rick Millett, representing Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps at the recent 2012 USASA Snowboard National Championships at Copper Mountain. Rick was there competing as well as coaching several MHSSC camper alumni.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 9, 2012 Newsletter
Well technically it's Spring but Mother Nature thinks it's still winter. The skiing at Mt Hood right now is spectacular. While most people around the country have put their ski/snowboard stuff away for the winter, Oregonians continue to head to the ski resorts. Timberline Lodge has received 494" of annual snowfall so far (Measured since Sept. 1), and has a current base depth of 196". Keep in mind the base depth is measured at lodge elevation (6,200 feet). There's WAY more snow up top on the Palmer Glacier (8,200 feet). This Summer is going to be amazing! Come join us! Only Seven more weeks until Session 1.Reminder that our drawing for free round trip airfare to camp promotion is still going on. If you register (or have already registered) as a camper on or before April 20, 2012, you are automatically entered into this drawing. Also note that this promotion offers options for people that are driving to camp as well as for those that have already purchased their airfare! For all the details go here.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 31, 2012 Newsletter
This coming month we are doing a drawing for FREE Round-Trip Airfare for one of our 2012 summer campers that register for at least one session at camp on or before April 20, 2012. For those of you that have already signed up for any of our 2012 Summer sessions and have paid at least the $50 deposit, you are already entered in this drawing. Also note that this promotion offers options for people that are driving to camp as well as for those that have already purchased their airfare! For all the details go here.
The snow continues to accumulate. The most recent snow survey on Mt Hood indicated that the snowpack was at 128% of normal! The pictures below show you what 128% looks like! We are excited for another great summer on the Palmer Glacier. Come join the fun!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 16, 2012 Newsletter
Our 2012 drawing for a free session took place last night. We had 1,090 people enter the drawing and we used "" to pick the winner.
And the winner is SARA FAIGEL!! Congratulations Sara! We look forward to having you come out this summer and enjoy a session for FREE!
We have since learned that Sara is a ski racer from New Hampshire and Sara said this about winning the free session:
Hi Mike, I am looking forward to coming out to mount hood to train with you this summer!
Thank you, Sara Faigel
In other news, Mt Hood continues to get hammered with precipitation. The spring storms are stacked up out in the Pacific Ocean so the snowpack continues to grow....we like that!
It's not too late to sign up for a Spring Session:
Spring Camp Session 1: April 1-7
Spring Camp Session 2: April 8-14
Spring Camp Session 3: April 15-21
And we are happy to announce that we will be offering a new drawing for free airfare for one of our signed up campers. So stay tuned for details on that coming soon! Below are some recent photos of the mountain.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 1, 2012 Newsletter
Yes, people are excited about all the new snow, spring camps right around the corner, and of course the drawing for a free session!
Spring Camp Session 1: April 1-7
Spring Camp Session 2: April 8-14
Spring Camp Session 3: April 15-21
We keep hearing about the sparse snowpack in other parts of the country, but here at Mt Hood, there's plenty to go around. Timberline is reporting a 168" base today, including 14 inches just last night! As it stands now, there's plenty of snow to get us thru until Labor Day and beyond.
Mt Hood Ski Bowl and Mt Hood Meadows are hosting the annual Oregon High School Ski Racing and Freeskiing State Championships this week. MHSSC camper alumni will be well represented at these events. Good luck to all!
More info on the free session drawing below.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 17, 2012 Newsletter
Yes, that's right, you could win a FREE SESSION at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps this summer!For all the details and entry page click here.
Mike Annett
Camp Director
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 2, 2012 Newsletter
Hi all! Mt Hood's snowpack more than doubled in the past two and a half weeks, as a full-on January winter onslaught erased a dry December deficit. Timberline Lodge is reporting a 120" base, which is enough snow to make it to Labor Day. And today being "Groundhog Day", we heard that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, which means six more weeks of winter! Bring it on!Here are a few recent photos of the mountain and a couple pics of our session 12 summer campers competing in Oregon high school ski races up at Mt Hood Meadows.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps December 31, 2011 Newsletter
33 years of camp and still going strong. We hope you will join us for year #34. After a mostly dry December, the snowfall has returned with a vengeance. Timberline is reporting 16" new snow in the last 24 hours.Here are a few photos from our recent winter sessions.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps October 29, 2011 Newsletter
FALL & WINTER CAMPS coming up soon!
Here are a few photos taken by head snowboard coach Rick Millett over the last 4 or 5 days. As you can see, Mt Hood got it's first taste of winter snow a few days ago. Lots of Canadian teams have been training at Hood this Fall and the Western region held a camp here in September. Training Conditions have been excellent. Not too late to sign up for our Fall and Winter camps in November and December. Dates and Prices are posted on the website.Check out the new Freeski promo video HERE!
Oregon High School Winter Break Ski Race Camp info HERE!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps August 14, 2011 Newsletter
It's been an amazing summer...but it aint over!!
Just wrapped up session 11. The snowpack is still amazing. 3 more sessions to go, including the annual "adults only" session to wrap up our summer. Not too late to sign up!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 25, 2011 Newsletter
Are you ready for some of this?
Session 1 is just a few short days away. The snowpack is amazing. It's gonna be AWESOME!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 18, 2011 Newsletter
Pictures tell the words
The mountain had been hiding in the clouds for weeks on end as storm after storm piled thru the mighty Pacific Northwest. Finally on April 3, the weather cleared and MHSSC video man Robin Cressy secured an exclusive snowcat ride to the top of the Palmer chairlift to snap some photos of our beloved Mt Hood. That was 2 weeks ago. Since these photos were taken, it's snowed another 5-6 feet.Session #1 is only 6 short weeks away. WE CAN'T WAIT! Come join us!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 3, 2011 Newsletter
Mark Stegall
1963 - 2011
It is with great sadness to report that Mark Stegall, our long-time head snowboard coach, has passed away. Mark Stegall was more than a camp coach and park manager for MHSSC. He was an enthusiast of shredding, passing on his enthusiasm, passion, skills and love for the sport to all who approached. He gave his personal time to helping others achieve what they aspired for, and what they feared. Mark has managed MHSSC's park for quite some time now, and he worked his ass off at every corner of our camp. From building our skate ramps, all our park features, to driving one camper all the way to the coast to share some surfing knowledge for a day. He was a selfless man who gave his heart for our shredding youth.~Jasper Newton
Here is a link to a memorial page that includes many photos and statements from the people who loved him. There is also a FACEBOOK page dedicated to Mark Stegall.
BMX was his first love... later came skate boards, then jet skis, then skiing, then snowboarding, surfing, wake boarding... basically anything with a board. He used to spend his after school time at the local bike shop. Every bike place around knew him on a first name basis. The year he desperately wanted the Apple Crate bike, he begged and begged for it for Christmas. My funny Dad put an actual apple crate under the Christmas tree.. Mark saw it, thought there had been some sort of big mis-communication and burst into tears. Little did he know, but the real bike was just around the corner to save the day. He was on that bike constantly... jumping curbs, building ramps and flying off. I recall him riding down the street looking at my Mom and calling out, "Look Ma' no feet." The next pass, he'd call out, " Look Ma' no hands!" The next pass, he'd call out, "Look Ma', no brain!" then he'd crack up laughing....
~Susan Stegall Eve
Did not take much snow to fascinate and motivate Mark. Out of an inch, he could create loads of fun... even in flat ol' Dallas, Texas.
~Susan Stegall Eve
The Snow continues to accumulate on Mt Hood. 10" new last night at Timberline Lodge. There was only one dry day in the entire month of March. Here's a photo of camp employee Robert Johnson plowing away the half foot of new snow that fell at the camp lodge yesterday. Spring camp session 3 starts today!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 17, 2011 Newsletter
It just keeps SNOWING up there!
We're having a storm-filled early spring so far in the mighty Pacific Northwest. The Timberline Lodge website is reporting 26 inches new snow in the last 72 hours, 9 of which fell in the last 24 hours, with more snow is in the forecast. We like this! There is currently 165 inches on the ground at Timberline Lodge (elevation 6,200 feet), and LOTS MORE up on Palmer (elevation 8,200 feet at the top). Only 73 more days until Session 1. Have YOU signed up yet?
MHSSC race coach Ryan Boroughs, here coaching the West Linn High School ski team boys to their first ever STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, held at Mt Bachelor in early March.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 10, 2011 Newsletter
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS in Garmisch-Partenkirchen
The alpine world championships started up in Germany this week. We had 2 MHSSC coaches compete in the Men's Super-G. Andrej Jerman, long-time MHSSC coach, racing for Slovenija, finished 16th. And Mark Syrovatka, racing for the Czech Republic and competing in his first world cup level race, did not finish the course. Looking at the official results, there were 30 racers that did not finish the Super-G course out of a field of 71 racers. Mark has been coming to Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps every summer since he was 10 years old. He kept working hard, and is now racing against the best of the best. Congrats to both Andrej and Mark! Below are a couple photos of Mark from last summer.
New Race Camp promo video:
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps January 6, 2011 Newsletter
What does one write about in the middle of winter for a place called Mt Hood SUMMER ski camps? It certainly aint summer. It's cold. There's snow everywhere. The skateboard ramp is buried under 6 feet of snow. What do our subscribers want to read about? Hmmmm...Maybe they'll enjoy a few photos of the mountain....yeah, that's it! It's a good excuse to get out of the office and head up to the mountain for a few runs to snap some pics. For all you summertime campers, you should see this place in the winter. It's like a whole different planet! They even make you put chains on your car so you don't slip and slide. Without winter, there would be no summer. Well ok, summer would still exist, but there would be no summer SKIING. This is the time of the year when the Palmer snowfield fills back up so we can use it again in June, July, and August. We LIKE winter. So far, winter has brought Timberline Lodge 102 inches of the white stuff. And that's just at the base lodge. There soooo much more up on the Palmer snowfield.Here's what some of our 2010 summer campers had to say about camp:
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps August 15, 2010 Newsletter
It ain't over till it's over!
3 more weeks left in our Summer on Mt Hood. The snowpack on Palmer is still crazy good. If you were still considering a late summer ski/snowboard camp excursion, it's not too late to sign up. Come join us! Here are the dates and prices.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 20, 2010 Newsletter
Timberline Lodge is reporting a 144 inch base today, and that is measured at the 6,200 foot level. The top of the Palmer chairlift is 8,200 feet. We are looking good for all our sessions in June, July and August.Here's what some of our coaches have been up to this spring as they prepare for another summer of ski & snowboard camp:
Mike Syrovatka: I am up in Vancouver BC hanging out. Yesterday i picked up my son Mark at SEATAC as he was stranded in NOrWAY and Iceland for four days dodging the volcano ash cloud. Mark was racing the final races of the 2010 season in NOrWAY trying to improve his world ranking. We will head back to Jackson and do some painting and sprucing up at the Jackson Hole Ski Club, before heading up to Lodges at Salmon river soon to get ready for session 1. |
Jason Hey: After the season ended in park city I headed for Europe to travel and unwind. I have been traveling for 3 weeks now and have two left before I make a trek to hood for the ENTIRE summer again, woohoo! |
Craig Bowden: I'm mountain biking, rock climbing, and still skiing! Snowbird had some big powder fall this April. Some of the best skiing of the year. |
Darren Owen: I have skied well over 100 days thru yesterday and today 20" dumps, still skiing pow then 3 weeks surfing in Cali before camp. |
Jon Winslow: I'm finishing up a regional fire academy, and I got hired on as a Resident Fire Fighter EMT with the Foresthill Fire Department. I have been going through lots and lots of training. |
Kevin Malone: I have been going through intense physical preperation for the summer. We've been summiting all of the largest peaks in the eastern Sierra, overnighting in the back country in sub zero temps, as well as skiing rapel-in rapel-out lines on a daily basis. Other than that were just hyped to ski with the kids all summer. |
Snowboard coaches Mark Stegall and Rick Millett have been busy upgrading the mini skate ramp and prepping the rails, as you can see in these photos.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 1, 2010 Newsletter
Twilight is magical this time of the year in the mid-valley. Pear blossoms are at peak. Tree trunks and branches become invisible leaving only the white blossoms floating like a marine layer a few feet above the ground. Mt Adams appears as a dollop of whipped cream floating in the middle of a bowl of blossom soup. Where are my crackers?Less than a fortnight this magic carpet hovers over our valley. It’s a transport to dreamland. “Quick, get your board and we’ll do a downwinder to Mt Adams.”
It’s easy to get sidetracked while waiting for camp to start. Just 4 weeks to go.
Head snowboard coach, Mark Stegall, supplied me with a few photos from the 2010 USASA Nationals that took place in mid-March @ Copper Mountain, Colorado. MHSSC alumni was well represented.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps Early April, 2010 Newsletter
Winter has returned to the Pacific Northwest with a vengeance! Check out today's Mt Hood Timberline Lodge weather forecast:Today: Snow. The snow could be heavy at times. High near 25. Wind chill values as low as zero. Windy, with a southwest wind between 30 and 38 mph, with gusts as high as 55 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Total daytime snow accumulation of 28 to 34 inches possible.
Late Afternoon: Snow. The snow could be heavy at times. Steady temperature around 20. Windy, with a west wind around 33 mph, with gusts as high as 55 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. Total daytime snow accumulation of 20 to 26 inches possible.
Tonight: Snow. The snow could be heavy at times. Low around 10. Wind chill values as low as -10. Windy, with a west wind between 26 and 36 mph, with gusts as high as 60 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100%. New snow accumulation of 13 to 19 inches possible.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 2010 Newsletter
Summer is right around the corner!
It's starting to get busy here in the ski camp office as people are getting excited about getting back on snow for summer training. Timberline is reporting a 121" base at lodge elevation (6,200 feet) with much more snow piling up on the Palmer snowfield (8,200 feet). The Timberline ski resort groomers have been snow-farming in recent weeks on the upper mountain to maximize the summer snowpack. Head snowboard coach, Mark Stegall, has informed us that our private terrain park area is already being prepped by our personal snow-cat driver by pushing snow where it needs to go.
Spring Camps
We have 3 spring camp sessions starting up soon. The training conditions are excellent. Our Spring camps are taking place at Timberline with side trips to Mt Hood Meadows ski resort on the east side of the mountain. It's not too late to sign up. Call the camp office or go to the website for details.
Patrick Deneen update
Back on the world cup mogul tour, post Vancouver Olympics, MHSSC alumni Patrick Deneen had 2 podium results in the Are, Sweden mogul events on March 12-13. Way to go Patrick!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps Olympics 2010 Newsletter
Vancouver Olympics!
The 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC are quickly wrapping up. Former camp alumni Julia Mancuso added to her 2006 Torino Gold Medal in GS with two more medals in Vancouver. Julie won the Silver Medal in the Women's Downhill and followed that up with another Silver Medal in the Women's Super-Combined! Woo hoo Julia! And this morning Julia ripped her 2nd run in the GS, and ended up in 8th place overall, only .55 second behind the Gold Medal winner Viktoria Robensburg from Germany. Who knows what would have happened if her first run wasn't interrupted by teammate Lindsay Vonn's crash right before Julia's run, forcing Julia to head back up for a re-run.MHSSC coach Andrej Jerman competed in 3 events, the Downhill, Super-G and the Super-Combined, but had a difficult week of racing. This was Andrej's 3rd Olympics.
Patrick Deneen finished in 10th place in the qualifying round of the Men's Moguls, putting him into the finals. Once in the finals, Patrick went for it. He got HUGE air off the 2nd jump but landed skier's left and a little in the backseat, resulting in a spectacular crash. The Seattle Times newspaper wrote this about Patrick's Olympic run.
MHSSSC alumni and '06 Gold Medalist Ted Ligety finished 19th in the Super-G, 5th in the Super-Combined and 8th place in the GS. Ted competes in the Men's Slalom on Saturday.
MHSSC alumni and 4-time Olympian Daron Ralves, competed in a new Olympic event, Skier Cross. Daron was coming off a dislocated hip injury just 2-3 weeks prior in the X-Games when he competed in Vancouver. Daron ended up crashing in the quarterfinals. It was amazing that he was even there at all, considering his recent injury.
Beyond the Olympics, many high school ski racing leagues are competing in their respective State Competitions in the next couple of weeks. Oregon High School ski racers are set to compete in their State races at Mt Hood Meadows on March 4-5. We are already getting lots of phone calls/e-mails here at the camp office from high school racers and team asking about summer 2010 training.
The Palmer snowfield
I snapped this photo right before sunset on February 18, 2010.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps Pre-Olympics 2010 Newsletter
Countdown to the games!
The 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC is just around the corner. We are excited to have a few Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps alumni competing in several events including current MHSSC coach Andrej Jerman for team Slovenija. Andrej is set to compete in the Men's Downhill, Men's Super-G, and the Men's Combined events. In the last couple of weeks Andrej has finished 5th in the Wengen Downhill, and 4th place in the Kitzbuehel Super-G.
We have two former ski camp alumni looking to defend their gold medals from the 2006 Torino Olympics. U.S. ski team member Ted Ligety (gold medalist in the Men's Combined) was a camper with us in 1994 when he was age 9. Watch this!
And U.S. ski team member Julia Mancuso (gold medal in Women's GS) also came to camp in 1994 when she was 10 years old.
A new Olympic event, Skier-X, will debut in the Vancouver games. MHSSC alumni Daron Ralves will be competing in that event. Here's a photo of Daron at Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps from 1985 when he was 12 years old. Daron talks about this new Olympic event here.
And for you mogul fans, MHSSC alumni Patrick Deneen will be competing in Men's Moguls. Patrick talks about making the U.S. 2010 Olympic team; click here. Patrick won the Mogul World Championships in Japan in 2009 and hopes to carry that momentum into the Vancouver games. Good luck to everybody! We'll be watching!
The Palmer snowfield is looking nice these days
I snapped this photo on January 23, 2010. Although they don't operate the Palmer chairlift this time of year, they do open it up for snowcat skiing during the weekends.
Bonus Spring Camp added for Snowboard freeriders only:
We added a 4th session to our Spring Camp schedule. It's not advertised on our website, but if you are a freeride snowboarder, we are offering a snowboard camp the week of March 7-13, 2010. Call the camp office if you are interested in attending this special session. 503-337-2230.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps January 2010 Newsletter
Andrej Jerman wins Bormio World Cup Downhill!
On December 29, 2009, MHSSC coach Andrej Jerman beat the field at the Bormio, Italy downhill to win his 2nd world cup race of his career. You can watch his winning run by clicking here. Andrej is preparing to compete at his 3rd Olympics this February in Vancouver, BC.
Fall and Winter Camps report:
Camps over Thanksgiving and our winter camps in December were excellent. Mt Hood received a lot of early season snow this year just in time for our annual Thanksgiving camp. And we are looking forward to our Spring Camp sessions in March/April. Dates and prices here.
Facebook fan?
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps has jumped on the facebook bandwagon with a new "fan" page. Become a fan!
Snow Report
The Palmer snowfield has a good head start looking ahead to our summer sessions. Wet heavy snow this winter is making for a great base up there. Here's a photo from right before Christmas.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 2009 Newsletter
We still have openings in all of our sessions. Late June and early July are always busy. Late July and August will have short lift lines and above average snow conditions. Currently it is warm (70 degrees at 3,500 feet) but 5 days ago we received 4 inches of snow on campus. It is still possible to ski from the top of the Palmer Chair to Government Camp. We start the summer with the possibility of training on the lower lifts, Pucci, Storm'in Norman, and Jeff Flood Express, plus the upper lifts Magic Mile and Palmer. Weather, snow conditions, temperature, and training goals will guide us to the best location.
There are prices from the East Coast for still around $360. If you are having trouble finding these rates call our agent Mike at Adventure Travel Service (530) 554-4129.
FREESKI COACH SEAN DECKER Click this link. This winter freeski coaches Sean Decker and Nolan Willard joined kitchen staff and videographer Stu Halverson to pursue their dream of skiing and shooting in the backcountry. The video speaks for itself but it looks like they had a ton of success now if only they could land a huge sponsor!
Andrej is coming sessions 3, 4 and 5.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 2009 Newsletter
March snowfall was the most since the 1940's with over 100 inches of accumulation. We are set up for another great summer of skiing and snowboarding on Mt Hood. Timberline's base depth at 6,000 feet is 190 inches with a total of 628 inches of total snowfall in this season. Its sunny now but we'll get more snow during the next two months.SESSIONS ARE FILLING UP
If you plan to come in the end of June or beginning of July we encourage you to sign up soon. For the later summer sessions, the snow is outstanding (better because of the longer cooler nights in August) and the lift lines are shorter or non-existent. Even though we lose lots of snow over the summer, our training space on the race lanes and in our own private terrain park remains almost the same. That's what happens when you have 40+ feet of snow to start the summer season.
Andrej is coming sessions 3, 4 and 5. We are one of very few camps worldwide where you can meet a world cup winner and train on the same lane with them. It's an Olympic year so meeting and skiing with Andrej will give you a great connection when watching the Men's DH and other events. Sign up now for these sessions.
Camper - alumni. Patrick spent the entire summer of '07 training with MHSSC. His success comes from his dedication, hard work, amazing skiing ability, and well-planned athlete management (that's what we do best).
We have the country's best coaches - the perfect balance of experienced coaches who have been doing this for up to 30 years and great skiing role models (young skiers with 30 FIS points and less). Size allows us to have separate training groups for FIS, USSA, High School, Youth and Masters. Our specific training goals and equipment are not only appropriate to each group, they are also designed to allow for maximum success at each level. Our off snow afternoon activities program compliments the goals we have on the hill without putting an extreme physical burden on athletes.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 2009 Newsletter
Wind-rows - See the below picture. Wind-rows are 5-6 foot high snow ridges made by groomers on the race lanes and in the parks which help us turn 2 inches off fresh snow with wind into 2-3 feet. No worries though we're back to measuring new snow accumulation in feet rather than in inches and have received another 7 feet in 6 days. The wind-rows have been buried.
There are really good deals out there. Get on line, book camp early and take advantage of cheaper airline tickets.
Megan's 3rd Place in the Slopestyle Event at the X-Games was an extraordinary feat. Megan worked in the kitchen this summer as she was rehabilitating from a severe break in her upper arm. The injury had caused a lot of nerve damage to her arm and limited her function. Anyone who knows Megan can attest to her dedication to overcome adversity and remain focused on her goals. We salute Megan's positive attitude, work ethic and of course her incredible riding ability - way to go Megan!!
Camper alumni Pat received the first US Freestyle Team podium of the 08/09 season with a 3rd place finish. Pat continues to separate himself from the field by showing his mastery of speed and technically difficult icy courses. He also credited his recent success to the summer and fall training he put in here at Mt. Hood.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps January 2009 Newsletter
We had tremendous training conditions over Thanksgiving and continuous snow for the winter holiday camps. Spring Camps should have outstanding conditions so make your family spring vacations plans now!
With the price of petro down the airlines are passing along the savings. We are hearing about airline tickets as low as $220 from the east coast, when last year they were around $400. Planning ahead could save you lots of time, hassle and money.
Warm beginnings that lasted through Dec 13th changed and we like most of the country experienced record cold and precipitation. We were blasted when an arctic front met a pineapple express that lasted through Jan 9th. A month of continuous moisture some as rain but up to 300+ inches of snow (113 inches recorded base at Timberline Lodge). Simply put we have more than enough snow for all of our summer sessions and will easily make it through September. We'll keep you posted on the Palmer lift getting completely buried (the snow level goes over the tops of the 30' lift towers). The last year that happened was 1996.
SIGN UP INFORMATION for session dates and prices. (503) 337-2230 to register over the phone.
Book your airline tickets ASAP
Spring Camp #1 - March 15-21: Spring Camp #2 - March 22-28: Spring Camp #3 - March 29 - April 4: Spring Camp #4 - April 5 - 11: Spring Camp #5 - April 12 - 18: Spring Camp #6 - April 19 - 25
Sign-up at
We have a many distinguished alumni from Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps: Here's the news from a few.
Polly Hopkins: Polly worked many years as a coach and in 2008 designed our camp t-shirt for our 30 year anniversary! Polly writes, "Yes, I did design all the Volkl ads for this year 08/09 campaign :) Woo!" Congrats Polly!!
Spencer Raymond: Spencer has many contributions to MHSSC as a counselor and also put together our camper-staff training video. Mike and Lynne say he was most reknown for the great camp fire stories he told on Friday nights. Spencer writes, "I made my NPR debut today. Just in case you're wondering, about 20 million people listen to NPR." Spencer is looking at working for a few weeks in the early summer. If you like good camp fire stories come to an early session!
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps Fall 2008 Newsletter
The combination of plenty of snow and continued cool weather in May and June made snow levels for 2008 a record. Records: Campers skied 6 miles from Timberline Lodge to Government Camp on June 18th in two feet of fresh powder. The Mile lift remained skiable through the end of July, you could ski to the parking lot until mid-end of August, and there is still more snow on Palmer and in the Mile canyon now than during late June in our driest year - 2005. Conditions are currently cold and when it precipitates there is snow in the mountains. We're optimistic for a great winter!
We had our second busiest summer ever hosting campers from 6 different countries and almost every State. We have tons of campers coming from as far east and south as Florida and many from even the Carolinas! Nashville might be home of the Grand Ol' Opera but the skiers from their are proud of their small ski hills. We were impressed by the level of skier coming from these small mountains and club programs in the southeast; they were impressed by the great coaching, world class facilities and the beauty of Oregon.
Andrej Jerman again returned to train and help coach. He skied very well and we are encouraged that he will have a great season on the world cup. Look for his results in the early races in speed. Hopefully with enough world cup points to take starts in GS we'll see some top 15 results from him in tech events. This summer when visiting coach John Fico needed a place to sleep Andrej gave up his bed and slept on the floor. Now that's an example you want your kids to follow!
Our terrain park was extremely popular this summer, and not surprisingly Nate Goodman, our park chieftain, was employee of the month for July - good job Nate!. Tanner Hall made regular guest appearances to session our quarter-pipe at the bottom of our park. One afternoon the entire race coach staff stopped to have a BBQ lunch on the top of the quarter-pipe while Tanner sessioned. Tanner's started his session off doing 12-15 jumps with a triple body contorting spin. It was apparent to the race coaches how focused and the level of professionalism that he brings to his sport. Tanner was very methodical and calculated in his approach to going bigger and bigger on the jump. Additionally, Tanner worked up over the course of 10-12 jumps testing his ability to go for one more rotation. When he felt it was safe and he was going high enough out of the pipe he through down an extra rotation. The trick does have a name but you don't even have to know it to realize the level of athleticism and courage it takes to do this while flying nearly 20 feet out of the top of the pipe. To perfect it and get filming of it he made another 7+ jumps. Amazing and inspiring to watch an athlete with his focus and talent. There were a few snowboarders confident enough to ride during Tanner's session and it was great to watch camper staffer Ian Bigley go big on a snowboard as well. Great job to our park crew making the features in our park worthy of the best riders in the world. When the pros ask to ride in "your" park you know you got it going on!!
We have plenty of sign ups and a few college teams coming out to train on Mt Hood during Thanksgiving and winter in 08. If you want to ski all day and get in a full training day as well as avoid the crowds in Colorado or the expense of traveling to Europe then come join us on Mt Hood. This fall teams have experienced snow harder than world cup injected to perfect groomed. When its warm you can salt and when its cold you need to sharpen your skis every other run. Whether you want to get ready for the race season or learn to jib a rail to impress your friends this winter you can find it at Mt. Hood Summer Ski Camps - Fall and Winter Camps. Staff for winter camps includes John Rust, Head Race Coach, full-time summer coach Luke Wendel for snowboarding and full-time summer coach Nolan Willard for freeskiing. Come join the fun.
Fall Camps: #5 Oct 30 - Nov 3 cost $570: #6 Nov. 6-11 cost $780
Winter Camps: #1 Dec 13-17 cost $570: #2 Dec 17-22 cost $780: #3 Dec 26-31 cost $780
LODGING: Teams and individuals don't forget about the LODGES AT SALMON RIVER MEADOWS. Our Lodge has hosted teams from all over the world and the west. The Korean Ski Team, Stratton Freestyle, Western Region, Park City, Gould Academy, Killington Mountain School, Jackson Hole, Park City Ski Team, Diamond Peak and many others all know the great service and hospitality of our Lodge on Mt Hood. $40 per night gets you a room in the bunkhouse and two all you can eat hearty meals. Off snow we have the only soccer field on Mt Hood. Call 503-337-2288 for Reservations.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps May 2008 Newsletter
On May 14 Timberline is reporting 204 inches of snow at Lodge elevation (6200') with much more up on the Palmer Snowfield. Yeah, 204 inches and it's the middle of May! We are excited to get going with our first Summer session, that begins in 10 days. We still have an estimated 2-3 feet of snow on our camp soccer field, elevation 3200 feet. Soccer and ultimate frisbee might have to move down to our picnic place at Wildwood park the first couple of sessions if this snow sticks around.
This year marks our 30th year in business. 3 decades and approximately 30,000 camper alumni and counting. The first year of operation in 1978, we had 13 campers. Those 13 campers were a ski team made up of mostly downhill racers from the east coast that coach Mike Annett (camp director) brought with him to try out the newly-built Palmer summer chairlift. The following year, Mike added a couple more sessions to the mix, and over time it grew into the year round ski and snowboard camp we see today.
Our 2nd lodge will look quite a bit different from last summer. Wall to Wall carpet has been installed in all the dorm rooms, new shelving units in the hallways, and plans to turn the basement into a recreation room. We'll also have a half dozen or so video review stations for coaches to sit down with their campers for extensive daily video analysis.
Here's a May 14 photo of our soccer field with 2-3 feet of snow left.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps April 2008 Newsletter
Sunny & warm weather showed it's face in the Pacific Northwest for 2 days in a row this past weekend before another series of storms reminded us that winter isn't over just quite yet. Timberline's total snowfall to date is 741 inches, recorded since September 1, 2007, with a current base depth of 221 inches (elevation 6200') with much more up on the Palmer Snowfield where we ski all summer.
Spring camps are wrapping up this week with a small group of adult skiers. The powder skiing conditions have been amazing. Below are a couple of photos from Spring Camp session 3. The first photo was taken at the bottom of Heather Canyon at Mt Hood Meadows. The 2nd photo was at the bottom of our tubing hill above our summer soccer field under the zip line. Andrej Jerman, will be back to coach with us sessions 3, 4 & 5. Andrej
Three of our Snowboard freeride coaches had outstanding results at this years' USASA Nationals, held at Copper Mountain earlier this month. Head Snowboard Coach, Mark Stegall, took home the slopestyle and overall title in his division, which made him a 5-time consecutive champion! Coach/video-man, Ryan Anderson, won the open men's slopestyle event as well as the freestyle combined. Finishing 2nd in the men's open freestyle event was coach Rick Millett.
The camp office phone has been ringing off the hook the last couple of weeks with people calling about making ski and snowboard training @ Mt Hood part of their summer plans. Sessions 5, 6, and 7 are filling up fast. With the near-record snowpack, even our August campers should expect an abundance of snow, even more than last summer. Slovenija world cup racer, Andrej Jerman, returns to coach for us this summer for sessions 3, 4, & 5 after another successful season on the circuit. Andrej finished 16th in the world in the overall world cup standings, 7th in the Downhill standings.
As of today, we have openings for "camper-staff" in sessions 4 thru 7, as well as sessions 10 thru 13. If you are a former camper, ages 16-17, you can apply for the available camper-staff positions.
SNOWPACK @ Timberline Lodge 2008:
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps March 2008 Newsletter
Spring storms have been moving thru the Pacific Northwest giving us some excellent spring skiing here at Mt Hood Timberline is reporting 208 inches of snow at Lodge elevation (6200') with much more up on the Palmer Snowfield.
Spring camps are in progress right now. With our spectacular snowpack, the training conditions are excellent. Our Spring camps are taking place at Mt Hood Meadows ski resort on the east side of the mountain. Meadows offers skiers and snowboarders a wide variety of terrain on 8 chairlifts including 4 high speed quads, and 6 different terrain parks for every ability level. It's not too late to sign up. Call the camp office or go to the website for details.
With a tremendous snowpack already in place, we look forward to spectacular training conditions for our summer sessions this year. We are currently taking sign-ups for all our sessions.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps February 2008 Newsletter
The seemingly endless supply of Pacific storms finally took a break and the sun came out for a few days at Mt Hood, giving the locals a breather to get caught up with plowing their driveways as well as shoveling the snow off their decks and rooftops. Timberline is reporting 179 inches of snow at Lodge elevation (6200') with much more up on the Palmer Snowfield.
Spring camps are coming in March and April. With our spectacular snowpack, the training should be excellent. It's not too late to sign up. Call the camp office or go to the website for details.
Summer camp freeski coach Sean Decker competed at the recent X-Games in Colorado in the ski slopestyle event, finishing in 11th place, just missing advancement to the finals by one spot.
Summer camper Patrick Deneen went from the Nor-Am mogul circuit straight to the World Cup podium with two 3rd place finishes in the Lake Placid World Cup Mogul events in late January. He followed it up with a 6th place in the Mont Gabriel, Quebec event, then a 4th place at Deer Valley. Way to go Patrick! We saw you on NBC!
The Oregon high school ski racing State Championships are being held at Mt Hood Meadows this year, March 5-7. Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps will be well represented with 50 or so former campers competing in GS and Slalom. Good luck everybody!
With a tremendous snowpack already in place, we look forward to spectacular training conditions for our summer sessions this year. We are currently taking sign-ups for all our sessions.
Camp video-man, Robin Cressy, took these photos of Timberline Lodge and of the Palmer Snowfield on February 16, 2008.
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps January 2008 Newsletter
SNOW REPORT (directly from Timberline Lodge)
Logan here from Timberline. Well it's looking like a banner year already here in the northwest. Snow has been falling heavily and consistently for the past month. All the major canyons are completely filled and the snowfield itself has collected upwards of 30 feet of lovely summer snowpack.
We had three winter sessions in December. Lots of new snow fell during camp this winter, so conditions were a little soft for the racers on some of the training days, but ideal for the freeski and snowboard campers.
Summer camp coach Andrej Jerman is ripping up the world cup downhill circuit. He's finished in the top 12 in each of the first five Downhill events this year, finishing 7th place in Gardena, 5th place in Bormio, and 6th place in Wengen. In local Oregon high school ski racing, one of our camper-staff girls, Jacqui Monahan, finished in 2nd place and camp CIT (counselor in training) Sam Campbell, finished in 3rd place for the boys in the first metro league race of the season last weekend at Willamette Pass ski resort.
Summer camper Patrick Deneen took first place in the Nor-Am mogul event at Val St. Come, Quebec, Canada this week. Patrick has 3 first place finishes this year and continues to move up the ladder in world mogul rankings. MHSSC mogul coach Jay Panther is also ripping up the mogul circuit with four top 5 finishes in Nor-Am/FIS mogul events this winter.
Head snowboard coach Mark Stegall is headed to the X-Games this winter to coach Megan Ginter. Megan finished in 3rd place in the slopestyle event of the mid-summer Abominable Snow Jam on MT Hood. She spent a big chunk of her summer training in our private terrain park.
With a tremendous snowpack already in place, we look forward to spectacular training conditions for our spring and summer sessions this year. We are currently taking sign-ups for all our sessions.
Timberline's Logan Stewart took these photos of the Palmer Snowfield on January 14, 2008
Mt Hood Summer Ski Camps is an equal opportunity employer with an operating permit in the Mt. Hood National Forest.
Registered, Licensed and Bonded Oregon Guide and Outfitter by the Oregon Marine Board Certified and permitted "Youth Organizational Camp" under the State of Oregon and Clackamas County White Water Rafting permit under the US Bureau of Land Management
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